For Scaling Business Owners committed to building a $1M Business & Beyond.
This is The best opportunity to ensure your Entire Sales System is built on Rock Solid Foundation that guarantee next year’s financial and business goals
Here’s why:
- Your leads are not as good as you think they are
- Sales people (or you) are not as good at selling as they believe they really are.
- You are integrally involved in all aspects of your business and don’t have the time to properly lead & have oversight over all things sales in your business.
So, we created the proven sales system to ensure all efforts are producing an ROI!
- Your sales foundation will either support your growth…or not.
- You cannot put more sales through sales system built on sand or add new clients with an over-loaded, crumbling sales process
Compelling & Converting Offer Design |
Sales Playbook: this has produced millions of dollars for our clients! |
Outrageous Outreach & QBA CREATOR Plan |
$1m Financial Projection |
1-Page Revenue Plan |
Fix Your Follow Up Formula |
Sales Tracker |
Sales Call Audits |
Master of Influence Script – used to generate millions in sales for our sales teams and clients! |
1:1 Implementation Sessions with Jim Padilla |
8-week Email and Whatsapp support |
Current Sales Audit (prospect journey) |
Sales Team Ready Assessment |
4-Hour VIP Experience |
Custom VIP $1m Strategic Sales Experience |
How much money are you leaving on the table?
- We find most businesses are working too hard vs working smart!
- It doesn’t have to be hard, it needs to be systematic and predictable.
- Together we will support you in leveraging your time and talent.
Schedule a call and discover how quickly you can take your business to $1m and beyond!
Generate consistent and predictable revenue with virtual events even if you haven’t hosted an online event before!
Live Events are Perfect for you if you are seeking to:
- Position yourself as the authority in your field and market place
You want to attract the right partners
Fill your coaching or consulting programs with the right motivated buyers
Convert your audience to happy clients with a proven system
Are you looking to scale, do you want more leverage?
If you want to scale your revenue, build a profitable brand and be recognized as the expert in your field…
Schedule a call and discover the fastest path to selling your services with qualified buyers
You just need to follow ONE proven system that will WORK FOR YOU!
After planning & leading hundreds of Live Events for our clients (since 2014), we discovered the…
Biggest Mistakes That Keep You From Generating Profit with Live Events
We promise that if you avoid these 7 biggest mistakes, you will produce a profitable live event for your business.
Our 7 Biggest Mistakes guide will give you the tactics and strategy you need to have a successful event that makes profit.
- If you’re considering hosting a live event, but you’re not sure where to start.
- You’ve heard that live events can be profitable, but you’re worried about making mistakes and not getting the return on investment that you’re hoping for
Our 7 Biggest Mistakes guide will help you avoid common pitfalls that keep business owners from making a profit with their live events.
Gain The Edge steps in as your Chief Revenue Officer to create a sales operating system for your business.
- Are you looking to scale, do you want more leverage?
- Do you want to remove limitations and bottlenecks?
- Do you feel constrained, is your team maxed out or perhaps not really expert in growth or sales?
- Are you wearing too many hats and experience less joy and satisfaction then you used to?
- Do you realize you cannot achieve what you want by simply working harder or longer hours?
- Do you want to have the bandwidth to innovate and pursue new revenue streams?
- Are you ready for a change?
Unlock Your Business’s Full Sales Potential!
We will personally partner with you to rapidly grow your sales, without you having to make a single sales call or hire another salesperson ever again!
Bringing in the sales experts could be the BEST thing that ever happened to your business.
6 Simple Steps to Create a Foolproof Sales Systemthat Delivers a Consistent Flow of “Can’t Fail Sales Conversations and Sustainable Profits”
What’s Inside This FREE Guide?
- Step-by-Step Break-down of my exact “Anti-Closer” Sales System
- Easy-to-Use, Fill-in-the-blanks Workbook
- Anti-Closer Sales System Checklist
Sachin Patel
Josh Turner
Susie Carder
Chuck Anderson
Kimberly Crowe
Joanne Butcher
Jim Padilla Visionary, Captain of the Ship
Jim is a Master Sales Trainer, and an expert teambuilder. His background as an athlete led him firstinto the world of professional sports coaching, andthen to business. His commitment to leadershipdevelopment has earned him the honor of sharingthe stage with renowned business consultant JayAbraham and master motivator Les Brown.
The combined power of leadership, teamwork,and experience is Jim’s passion. This has led him tocreate and lead a seven-figure international salestraining team, and to his current work in bringingsales teams under his leadership into diverseenterprises in many areas of the economy. Whilehe’s been in the world of building high performingteams in sports and business for 20 years, Jim is justgetting warmed up. Jim and Cyndi have helpedclients generate over a quarter of a billion dollarsin sales growth for such clients like Josh Turner, BillBaren, Zig Ziglar, and many more
Cyndi Padilla Grounded Leader of Excellence
Cyndi is equipped to handle high volume, dynamicbusiness environments with ease, confidence andsuccess. Her signature strength is developing teams& creating cultures of commitment, results andimpeccable service.
Cyndi enjoyed a successful career in retail storeleadership, working for retail giants such as Targetand Gap. Trained in Business Management with amasters in Organizational Leadership, Cyndi excelsat managing projects, team, and ensuring yoursuccess!
Jim and Cyndi have helped clients generate over aquarter of a billion dollars in sales growth for suchclients like Josh Turner, Bill Baren, Zig Ziglar, andmany more.
Jim and Cyndi are blessed with 3 daugthers and 5 grandchildren who they love to spend time with.