Breathing New Life into Business with Sachin Patel | OM030
In this latest podcast episode, we are looking at the interplay of personal growth, healthcare, and entrepreneurship, exploring how these 3 areas of our lives can mutually enhance one another.
My guest, Sachin Patel, sheds some light on the influence of personality traits, the underestimated importance of breathing in overall wellness, and the role of breathwork in our leadership skills.
Curious to discover how simple practices like breathwork can revolutionize your approach to health, personal growth, and entrepreneurial success?
Tune in to uncover these powerful insights and transform your approach to both life and business.
About the Guest:
Sachin Patel is a father, husband, philanthropist, functional medicine practice success coach, speaker, author, breathwork facilitator, and plant medicine advocate.
Sachin is convinced that “the doctor of the future is the patient” and has committed himself to helping others raise their consciousness, activate their inner doctor, and initiate their deepest healing through lifestyle, and breathwork.
Sachin founded The Living Proof Institute, pioneering a revolutionary approach to patient-centered healthcare. Sachin coaches hundreds of practitioners around the world so that they are empowered to deliver affordable and inspired care to their communities through his Perfect Practice Mentorship Program.
He is an advocate of transforming the healthcare paradigm and he has devoted his life to the betterment of health care for both patients and practitioners.
Connect with Sachin Patel
Personal Facebook:
IG: @thesachinpatel
Health Seeker website:
Practitioner Coaching website:
FREE offer for health seekers:
Get 30 of Sachin’s best health tips all for FREE. Daily inspirational videos and emails to support your best health and wellness all from the comfort of your home by activating your inner doctor.
FREE offer for breathwork:
FREE offer for Functional medicine practitioners and coaches, Sachin’s book, Perfect Practice:
About the Host:
Jim Padilla is the founder and CEO of Gain The Edge – a done-for-you provider of industry-leading sales systems and unicorn sales professionals which he co-heads with his wife and entrepreneurial partner-in-crime, Cyndi Padilla.
Through their unique blend of laser-targeted selling systems, inspirational team-building expertise, and 60+ years of combined sales experience – Jim and his wife have generated over 1/4 bn in sales for a long line of high-level, visionary entrepreneurs.
Jim’s mission is to help purpose-driven thought-leaders untangle themselves from the day-to-day minutiae of seeking leads and sales for their business so they’re free to amplify their impact.
When Jim’s not making dollars rain down from the sky, you’ll regularly find him at the driving range – hitting a bucket of balls. Jim credits his time on the driving range as the main source of his best ideas.
Recently relocated back to California, Jim & Cyndi are immersing themselves in family time with their three daughters & four (soon to be five) grandchildren.
Connect with Jim at
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Sachin? So good to have you here, man, longtime coming, we've been trying to coordinate this interview for months and months between our schedules. And I was very much looking forward to getting the opportunity to reconnect after you know, all the good things we were able to do together, working, you know, with your company. So, you know, why don't you just say hey to the audience and give them a little bit of your story in your words, and you know how you got here? Sure.
Sachin Patel:Well, hello to you, Jim again, and Thanks for Thanks for hosting me. And thank you to the entire team for helping us and our business grow and learn so much in the process. no better time than now. So I'm grateful that our, the ken got kicked, so to speak to this very moment, because I know we're both smarter, sharper, wiser, as every minute passes. So great conversation, I'm sure is to be had a little bit about me, just so people understand my background, I'm a, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Not done growing, not expanding. But I'll share where I've come from, and and where things are heading at this point in my life. So I'm originally trained as a chiropractor. And as chiropractors, our philosophy is always that the body has its own capacity capability and innate intelligence to heal itself. And one of the things that we as chiropractors can help people with is helping their physical body move better. But one day, about two years into practice, I got a CD. And actually about four years into practice, I got a CD as I was walking out of my first associate ship. And that CD was spoken by it was a spoken presentation by a gentleman named named James chestnut. And what James talked about was how chiropractic is so much more. And that expanded, you know, kind of my paradigm of what chiropractic was. And around the same time, I was on the news. And as a result of that news article, made all these people call our office, all of whom were very sick. And all of whom I didn't really have a solution for, because I was working as a sports based chiropractor. So that kind of started my journey, this CD, of learning how to become a better communicator, expanding what my scope of practice looks like. And then also not being able to help people. There's something gutting, and maybe this happens to you, Jim, when you get on even on on a sales call, if you will, or service call, and you can't help someone, right? It's like, I don't know what to do. I know you're in pain, I don't know what to do, and I can't help you. And the right thing to do is, you know, you can't take them on as a client, because you can't help them. But when you don't know where to send them, it really feels uncomfortable. So that was me, patient after patient after patient after this news story ran. And then I'm like, Why are these people coming in and makes no sense. And it turns out that that is because I had to become someone else. And that's when I really got deep into the functional medicine world. And functional medicine, for those that don't know is root cause personalized medicine the way healthcare should be, in my opinion. So I started practicing that then I started a second practice from Cincinnati to Toronto, Canada, and colleagues of mine started kind of paying attention to what I was doing and wanted me to help them. So I started coaching them, in addition to running our practice, and about four years ago, I discovered breathwork. And that's become a big part of what I do now. So I do a lot of keynotes now on breathing and breath work. And I deliver breathwork experiences, in addition to my functional medicine code, you know, business coaching practice, and clinical practice as well. So those are those are the kind of three areas that I play in. And all of them are connected by the general theme of empowering people to be their independent practitioners, business owners and entrepreneurs, but also independent of the healthcare system by being their own best doctor. So all of it is interconnected in one way, shape, or form. And so yeah, so that's a little bit about me. And I'm a father and a husband. I think those are important to mention.
Jim Padilla:Yeah all good stuff. And it's, and, you know, I find that the most effective means of mentorship comes from people who have figured something out, and then go back to help other people with what they've learned. And there's seems, you know, there's a big trend of people who like I want to be a coach, and then they're trying to figure out what they want to coach honor. I think that's it can work I think that's a that's a longer path to success and maybe not the ideal method, but you your your story, your path has really elucidated that you've illuminated that piece is you what you have figured out, you've then gone back and talk.
Sachin Patel:You know, I feel like that's the best way to really learn something is to teach it to others. So in some ways, I even jokingly tell my students this listen, I'm doing this, for me is just as much as I'm doing it for you because I can master a topic, if I'm forced, in a sense to teach it to others or others are relying on me to simplify what I'm learning and convey it in a way that they can digest it.
Jim Padilla:Yeah, another way I frame that exact thing is putting yourself in a position that demands that you produce when you know other people are waiting to feed on what you're learning, then you have to learn it in a certain way. Right allows you to pass it through and become that conduit. So that's great. And like so you've been a great example that Cindy and I were just talking a minute ago about you and you know, as like, well, anything you want me to share with that session when I see him and she went off for like, five minutes, and she's just, she's just been, you know, we still follow and we still connect, and she's like, it's just so awesome to watch you just growing in what seems to be a very natural and authentic way, you know, you're just growing in everything you're doing. It's like, well, yeah, that makes sense. That's That's who he is. That's the vision. That's the mission. And, you know, you're getting on bigger stages, you're sharing much more powerful message, you know, your your YouTube presence or social media, everything's growing. And you're, but you're not removing yourself, you're just strategically placing yourself differently, but you're still very much connected to it.
Sachin Patel:Yeah, there's, you know, as you're saying that I feel like there's something I can I can share that might add some value. And I learned this from navall, Ravi Kant, who you may be familiar with, and book was has been written about him and his tweets and his philosophies, and it's called the NIV. almanac. And so it's a book about him, written by his content by somebody else. It's kind of a weird, weird, weird book. It's not about not quite a biography either. So in that book, they mentioned four levers that navall talks about. The first one is people. The SEC, and these are, people are short levers, right. And they come with personalities that come with challenges it comes with comes with ups and downs, and emotions. I mean, there's so much attached to people, right, and people are amazing. And they're a lever, but they're short lever, the second lever is other people's money, right? So you could leverage investors or investments in cash, and invested back into business. And that's another lever to slightly longer lever than people, right, there's just no emotion involved is just money. Right? The third and fourth lever are the two most important. And the third one is media. And media is essentially how do you can and clone yourself and repurpose what you've created, so that you can have a team of people clean up behind you, if you will, right. So my job is to focus as the visionary and steer the boat in a certain direction. And then I want to try to build an assemble, and I'm still doing this, the right team around me, so that they can, you know, I don't have to do anything, they can take what I'm already creating, and repurpose that material and content. So as an example, you know, and I'll leave, I'll give a short example, then move on to the fourth lever. But the example I would say is I just gave a keynote on on breathing and breath work at a dental conference. And my team sent to me on Monday, my, you know, my social media guy, say, we need more reels, we need more reels, we need more reels. I'm like, No, we don't need more reels, you need to watch the video I just recorded of myself giving that keynote, I need to pull out 20 to 30 clips out of it. I should not have, there should be no reason for me to create another, you know, selfie video of myself ever again, I have enough, you know, speaking from stage engagements, I have, you know, tons of those, I have two, three hours of content I record every week for my mentorship program. I'm like, there should be no reason, right? So how do you can include yourself, that's another lever. And then once you do that, you can do it into perpetuity. So when I went to this dental conference, I put together a breathwork bundle. And I just simply shared my five best resources with so now I captured, you know, these people's contact information, so I could deliver them additional value. So that, you know, that counting, including yourself through media is a very long lever. And then the fourth lever is intellectual property, or code. He refers to it as code and what he's mainly referred to as software. But for those of us that are in the service industries, it's your intellectual property. Right? Where, where, what is it that you do that's unique? How can you put it into an automated media driven process so that you can can include yourself, and you have a process that nobody else can replicate? Because you own the system that creates the outcome? So those those last two levers are crucial, applied to both tech technology based companies and software companies, but can also apply to service based companies if that's the industry that we're in anything that's like a kind of relevant to our conversation because of how we structure our businesses and optimize them to sell at different levels, high ticket group programs, let's say and then do it yourself or, you know, one to infinity type programs.
Jim Padilla:Yeah, yeah, I definitely that's a journey that Cindy and I have been on as well. And we're in the same boat. We were just having this conversation the other day. I have, you know, Almost 300 300 Almost 400 videos on YouTube. We do two hours worth of training, teaching a week plus interview I'm doing, you know, 200 podcast interviews here, I don't mean to create any video for the sake of the video anymore. And we're gonna decide now it's just a matter of strategic repurposing, and using it in ways that are valuable and leverage. And I watch some of these videos that I did nine years ago, that I'm still saying the same thing. Now, the video production might be a little bit off because it was nine years ago. And we're like dining room or something. But, you know, he's like, if you're still sharing the same message, then it's, there's some off there's a realness in it, there's some truth is because it's what you believe, because you're not changing it to fit the marketplace. And I think that's you have been an example of that, as well. So your beliefs or your beliefs, and you share with you now you're just maybe more refined in how you're sharing or the video production quality might be better. But the message is the same.
Sachin Patel:Yeah, you know, sometimes, I'll tell you what, I was watching some YouTube videos this morning. And I like to watch a vintage Steve Job interviews, where the video quality is like, so crap, right? But you're just, you're just happy that somebody captured this moment, or this nugget of wisdom or this knowledge, and it almost makes it more attractive. Because it's like, Man, I couldn't be in that room. And there was like, absolutely no way it could have been in that room. But I'm so glad somebody recorded this, because it's the information is so valuable. And I know that, you know, both you and I try to share timeless wisdom. And you know, so we're not constantly reinventing our message, we might reinvent the way we say it. But the the theme and the values are still the same, because they're they're timeless principles that we live by. Definitely.
Jim Padilla:And, you know, I don't know that that's been intentional. For me. It's just something that looking back, I realized that's been the history, that's been the evolution. I, you know, I watched some of the videos, oh, my God, this guy had, I had no idea what I was doing. It was just me alone with his camera in the dining room, and the lighting was awful. And you know, that I started the recording, and then I walked into the place, and then I walked, you know, like this classical clown car kind of stuff. But like, that's really good content, though. It was exactly what same thing I say today, I just say it smarter, maybe a better production. Right. You know, but one of the things that you've always been by is I would love for you to share just you know, what's, what's the mission? And and what's the vision that you're that you're, you know, leaning into, and accelerating towards?
Sachin Patel:teach it to hundreds, if not:Jim Padilla:Yeah, I love all of that. And it's my focus, the number one rule inside of gain the edge, when you walk through the gateway, is it's not what you're saying is who you're being while you're saying that matters. And that applies everywhere, whether whatever you're doing whatever you're saying, It's about who you're begging, while you're saying it was the intention with the state of the heart, as you're moving and saying or doing these things. It's not about the words or the actions. And as you're talking through this, I'm like, you know, that's really the product that we sell. It's like sales and sales teams and events and all that stuff, that's all secondary, because at the end of the day, it's who your being that contest is going to make all of this effective, or clear or not. And this the first time I've even thought about it, and this term, especially in terms of the hormones, the formula, because we talked about it every day around here. That's the one thing that we can deliver immediately. There's a state of being I can deliver you sales outcomes today. But I can deliver you a new state of being today. Right? Right. So use an SN is never thought of it in that perspective. But I like that because that's, you know, same thing, you have a whole business model, which I want to unpack a little bit. But at the end of the day, that's the needle mover. But there's a whole other way for you to package the business so it can be delivered so that there's a tangible outcome and all of that, which I'd love to have you unpack more. But that I just it's been, I've never even thought about it. And I remember reading the book brief, you know, at your recommendation. And ever since then, it's been something that I'm supremely aware of now, I breathe intentionally through my nose. Now more in ways that I've never even knew that it was a thing, you know, five years ago.
Sachin Patel:I absolutely love that. You know, I'll tell you, I'll tell you a really fascinating story. Because you the truth is you you can say things and you just really never know who's going to who's going to take you up on, you know, taking that next step. And I'm so grateful that you share that, that you're reading that book. And if I had any positive influence in directing you that way, I'm so grateful that James wrote that book. You know, it's the number one book I purchased for my clients when it came out. I bought it for every one of my clients, because it is something that's so valuable and important, and it applies to virtually every single area of our life. So thank you for thank you for sharing that. I appreciate that. Yeah,
Jim Padilla:well, it's impactful. We do we don't often know, when we're sending a message. It's usually downrange, so to speak on a very specific person, but we never know how many people are just off the side watching, witnessing or listening. Right. And we, in fact, a lot of people, so you've been doing your example of that in many ways. So let's just transition this a little bit to what you're actively doing now, everything that I'm seeing from your marketing and Facebook ads and different things is you're really leaning into marketing and messaging for doctors and practitioners. So why, why that as a message and what's happening there for you?
Sachin Patel:Yeah, so we're actually, there's a, so there's a just for everyone's reference, there's a two companies that we run one is called Living Proof Institute, which is our clinical arm. And then we have a model that we've created an intellectual property that we've created, called our Living Light, metabolic reset. And what we do is we teach other practitioners in our business coaching model called perfect practice how to implement this program. And we've created it so they can white label it, and make it their own, add their own 20%, right, we have them at 20 the program, so it's their own. And we then allow them to use our frameworks and our templates. So what I'm actually doing, I'm spending this coming quarter, taking about 10 practices through a done for you program. One of the things that we've been doing, we've taken about 200. And so people, thanks to you guys, as well, we've taken several 100 people through our accelerator program, which over the course of 12 weeks, we teach people step by step, how to create their own business. And what I realized that that process, Jim, and maybe you've seen this happen as well, is that you could give it to people on a silver platter, but the deal breaker at the end of the day is if they're going to do it or not. And not You're not even if they're capable of doing it, because I know everyone that we work with is capable of doing it. But if they actually think they're capable of doing it, right, just like that, what we think of ourselves actually determines more than anything else, whether we what projects we even tackle, right and at what point we give up. So we realized that a lot of people are passionate about health, but not really am passionate about serving people, but not super passionate about building out funnels, and I get that. But they also may not be in a position where they could pay somebody $30,000 to do it, right, and build it out for them. So they're kind of in a catch 22. So we thought that medium ground would be let us show you how to do it at the click of a button. And it still wasn't enough for some people. So what we're experimenting with right now is what that would look like for our team to do it for somebody, because what takes them 12 weeks, we could do for them in probably 12 days, right. So my goal is to get it down to 12 days or less to be able to turn this over for somebody. And so they have a turnkey solution for their business that they can plug in again, going back to the Hormoz equation, right? Get rid of the sacrifice, which is them slogging through it and reduce the amount of time and the value goes up, you know, in this case exponentially in my opinion. So, so that's what I'm working on is just to try to crack that nut for our practitioners and, and that way they can roll these things out sooner. Or reading Alex Rosie's book 100 million dollar leads, as you probably are, I'm sure. And then I'm also reading another book, it's actually a reading assignment that we're given our clients called sell like crazy by Sabri suevey And he's a guy out of Australia, I've never met him, but I kind of like his style. And, you know, I like I like what he says it's a lot of what we've been teaching our clients, but he approaches it with a little bit more punch. And, and not as conservative as sometimes practitioners tend to be because they're afraid to ruffle feathers. And he's not. So he really tries to help me write a more punchy message. And I've started applying some of those teachings. And I'm pretty punchy as it is. And I can I can go on the edge a little bit. But just leading into that a little bit more I found has been helpful for me, but also other practitioners and getting that message out there. So these are some of the projects that I'm working on some of the influences that are you know, happening for me right now. And, you know, we're trying to, we're trying to build a team and just figure out what do I want to do for the next five years, I know, I had a good run here with these last three years, and I realized that, you know, if I, if I want to make more money, I know how to do that. Alright, so I always go back to what I was doing. What I want to figure out now is how do I have the greatest amount of impact with the least amount of resistance? And so that's what I'm trying to that's the that's the next kind of thing that I'm chasing in my practice and trying to crack in my business.
Jim Padilla:Yeah, as you were talking, that's what I have written down with scaling impact. Like, that's what a lot of the people we work with it you know, at your level and, and beyond. It's a similar story, everybody, we already figured out how to make money now is how do we scale impact without having to break things? Right, including yourself, and especially yourself? Right? You know, and it's interesting because, you know, as you were talking about, you know, sabe su B's perspective, you know, kind of a Grant Cardone type vibe, with it's just as much more energetic is not necessarily tactical, it's a lot of the same things that you or I teach. But it's definitely with a greater edge. And, you know, it's kind of what we do with you like, we work with a lot of very spiritual entrepreneurs, people who are leading from the heart. And when we bring our teams in, we want to match the brand, we want to match the values, we want to match the audience. But we often try to also polarize that a bit, because I find that people who are if you lean into people who are spiritual with spirituality, then you just put more air in the balloon. And instead, sometimes a balloon needs a rock to be grounded with, it's also been able to take the opposite energy and give them some straight, direct truth. So they're like, oh, my gosh, I'm Can I need that, and then they connect to it, as opposed to trying to take them, you know, around the planet a couple of times before you land.
Sachin Patel:I, you know, I went through this really interesting exercise. And I feel like, you know, certainly, I feel like you would benefit from it, Jim, if you haven't done it already, it sounds like you may have may have just based on what you said. But I have a friend who who's She's recently become a friend through this process. Her name is Robin McKay. And she took me through a special type of form that I fill out, it's a psychology, psychological form, it's called the Neo, ne yo, and don't ask me what it stands for. But it basically reads my personality. Because there came a point in my business where I started attracting a lot of people who are the opposite personality as me. And, you know, I'm very grounded, I'm very calm, like, my neuroticism is like zero, I, you know, I don't really think I have a big ego. And, you know, we're consciously at kind of dissolving it, I have tried to carry a lot of humility. And maybe even saying that it doesn't make me humble, I don't know. But, you know, these are the principles that I try to live by. And, and I started attracting people that just had a lot of chaos in their lives that had a lot of anxiety that, you know, the basically the opposite operating system, and I'm just kind of like, man, what is going on here. And so I did this personality testing, and I'm two standard deviations away from normal and certain personality traits. And it turns out that you actually attract the opposite. So I didn't have this awareness. And I was just kind of scratching my head, because we always say, oh, like attracts like, and, you know, you're gonna attract the people who are the way you show up. And, and it turns out, the paradox is, unless you're put very polarizing, you know, either unconsciously, really good at something, or you have something that other people desire, maybe you don't even realize how valuable it is to somebody else, you're going to attract the opposite person. So I always found I found that to be a really interesting paradox. I don't know if you've come up against that or not.
Jim Padilla:Yeah, and I think that it has become, you know, Cindy, and I, in our marriage, we're very much that example of that, because we are, we complement each other very well, all of my strengths are, she has some of the there are some crossover, of course, but largely, I'm strong at the things I'm strong at, she's one of the things she's strong, and together, we make a really great pairing as a result, and, and we rub off on each other. But I find that in our team and our community as well, at the end of the day, it comes first and foremost, everybody has to be the best version of who they are. And then from there, how are those sent out of those talents and traits and characteristics and beliefs, matchups so that you can have a tapestry that's just really tightly woven together, and a great match of everybody's beliefs, because I have people on our team that you know, don't believe what I believe, we believe in the end goal, but they they go about it differently. And thank God they do because it's not how I would go about it. And it just gives us this really strong blend of, you know, of a woven fabric that becomes you know, the more tight it gets less porous, it becomes right. So, yeah, I'm always definitely I'm off to check that out that Neos he went to see what was this Robin McKay's got to check out there. So you know, as we start wrapping up here, how, how are you leading in How are you, you know, we think the right way to ask this, but how are you pulling in the intangible, like the breathing and maybe it's up to you is just that is not intangible. It's it is tangible now, but it's more of a it's a non it's not a measured factor. They can't say, oh, I got X ROI off my breathing. But it's a main vessel for how you deliver everything else you do. So how would you define that or describe that in the in your practice?
Sachin Patel:Helped me out here Jim, maybe asked the question slightly differently. Okay. missing it.
Jim Padilla:How does how does the the breath work as the leading edge of what you're doing right now? become the primary muscle that The rest of the practice and the thing your clients are building what they building on?
Sachin Patel:Yeah, you know, I, it's definitely something we incorporate into what we do already. I think that there's there's two opportunities here that I can see. One is that breath could be the lead in, right? I think right now a lot of programs focus on diet as the lead in, right. So it's just like, Oh, I got a better diet than you, right? Or you got to do this diet, or that we've heard all a million times. Here's a fun fact, you consume about two or three pounds of food a day, depending on, you know, how much somebody consumes, but you consume 30 pounds of air a day. So you actually consume more air than anything else in your entire life. But nobody talks about that. Right? And you're, you know, I tell people, listen, if you want to feel better, you know, in a few minutes, you change how you breathe, if you want to feel better, and a few days or weeks, you change what you eat. Right. And we all know that you can't go more than five, six minutes, most people and without breathing, you can go days or weeks without eating. Right, you can go days without hydrating yourself. So breath breathing is actually the most important thing we do that nobody's talked about. And what's so beautiful about it is that there's nothing to sell you, right? I mean, I gotta teach you that I tell you my time and my knowledge. And however I packaged that up. But once you learn it, as I'm driving school, right? Once you go to driving school, you don't have to keep going. And no matter what state of health, urine, you're breathing will improve it. Right, I had a lady, I went to the Porsche Design store in Las Vegas, I was speaking there, I went there afterwards. And I just started talking, they were curious about why I was in town, I started telling them about breathing. And I got a message from the lady just the other day on Instagram. So they searched me out and found me to get in contact with me because she hurt her leg a few days later was in excruciating pain. And she remembered what I told her about breathing, and was able to get herself, you know, calm enough, and you know, out of pain enough that she could drive herself to the ER, right, I don't recommend people doing that. And I didn't recommend that she did that either. But she told me afterwards that it was a breathing that got her able to do that. So there was no other time in my life. Like if I was selling her a supplement, or if I was selling her, you know, anything else it would have taken me there would have been days of in between time for her to be able to even apply it. Right. So here she is kind of a stranger, if you will, seeking me out finding me online telling me how excited she was because of this. So, you know, we're we're we're trying to figure that out like exactly how to do this. So for practitioners it's leading or with for patients rather, it's leading with breath as the lead magnet, because that's unique, it's different. It's a blue ocean. My experience as a clinician, I think adds to that, right a lot. There's a lot of breathwork facilitators who don't have the medical background that I do. So I think that really helps in creating credibility for the message. And then for practitioners practitioners are, are even more fascinated by this than the lay public. Because once you start getting into the physiology, and biochemistry, of breathing it as a clinician, it totally blows you away. So I'm already having people asking me, when are you going to do some teaching? When are you going to teach a course? When are you going to do this for us? And I belong to another program that does that, that certifies breathing facilitator. So there may be some opportunities there for me to start, you know, teaching and offering this to clinicians. Because, again, it's a blue ocean, there's really, very few that I know of, if any programs that teach clinicians about breathing.
Jim Padilla:Right. So what do you want to be known for? Somebody says, Sachin? Patel, what do you want the first thing to come up in their mind?
Sachin Patel:Hmmm I think, you know, if I give it some, I don't want to give it much thought. I just want to say what comes kind of reflective ly to me, I would say humility.
Jim Padilla:Yeah, it's definitely in the mix. Because you are, you're always been a very stable presence. And then good force for good. But you've always been my I would say, if not the right word, but it's a descriptor is understated. Thank you, you know, I, I've often described people as the kind of people who put things on your plate, or the kind of person who clears the plate all the time, and you're definitely somebody who leaves stuff on the plate, you know, you're not trying to grab yours, you're trying to make sure that there's something in it for everyone. And that's, that's the kind of leader you want to be attached to, regardless of the product or the service.
Sachin Patel:Yeah, thank you, you know, you know, nature has a lot of great lessons to offer us. And it's such a tree never takes more than it needs, right. And then if it takes more than any that actually harms itself, so I feel like there's you know, when we we all try to, we always want to get paid what we're worth, I mean, don't get me wrong, and we might want to make sure that we're attracting the right type of client devalues what we're offering, and is going to implement what we're sharing and offering to them. But at the same time, there's only so much that money can do for you. Right? And for me, what really drives me is, is impact how can I, you know, yes, I want to create generational wealth. Yes, I believe I deserve that. And yes, I believe that the correlation between the impact I'm going to have is going to be, you know, in direct proportion to that, so I'm okay with that. But for me, it's like now what drives me is, is the impact, right? Once Once you solve kind of the, the money problem, if you will, and you figure that out, okay, I can, I can always go back to doing that if I if I want to, I know how to do that, like, lean into that direction if I need to. But then you can view if the money problem is solved for you, then you can take more leaps of faith, or the things that you really believe in the long shots, right, but maybe not so safe bets. And so I feel like I'm a little bit closer to that stage where I can take a very calculated bet, and a leap of faith. And the universe is kind of reflecting back to me that this is the right direction for me to go in. And so the stages of getting invited to the opportunities that are opening up for me, it just, it's taking me to some pretty amazing places that, that other things I've been doing up to this point in my life probably wouldn't have taken me there.
Jim Padilla:So are you casting a wider net now? So it's not specifically in the practitioner space? Where it says branching out, or you're still staying focused in that lane?
Sachin Patel::Jim Padilla:Yeah, I remember, the first time we spoke about this years ago, when we were first working together, and your state, your statement was that the future of the future doctor is yourself. There's something that if I didn't say that word that way, but that that was the intent, it was the future is you heal thyself. Yeah.
Sachin Patel:The doctor of the future is the patient. Yeah.
Jim Padilla:Yeah, that sounds like exactly how it was. But yeah, but that was what I got is like you are the capable, if you are, if you understand it, and you heal thyself, right, the body takes care of itself, if you're doing the right things within putting into the right environments. And, and taking the right steps, which is very encouraging. That's good, that's empowering. You know, if you definitely have some built in enemies, or the statements like that, in the medical establishment and all of that, but it's very empowering, especially in a place where, you know, an audience of people who are who are committed and on mission to bring healing to the world. Yeah,
Sachin Patel:you know, here's, here's one thing I'll share. If we have a few minutes. I know, it's okay with you. Go for it. Yeah. So, you know, we grew up in a society where we learn something called Euclidean math and Euclidean math, there's only one right answer, right? And when there's only one right answer for any given problem, that's what causes war. That's what causes in differences, that that's what causes egos, right? Because, you know, for me to be better than you, you've got to be worse than me and vice versa. And so this Euclidean mathematical model actually is not the way the universe works. The universe actually works on a fractal mathematical model. And in a fractal mathematical model, any problem any given problem has actually infinite solution. Just do it. So what that allows for is for ideas and thoughts and solutions to coexist. And so you know, this is why acupuncture can work. This is why chiropractic can work. This is why reflexology can work. This is why drugs can work. Because there's actually an infinite number of solutions to solve the problem. I mean, it'd be kind of lame, if your body only had one way to fix a problem, right? What would be really cool is, if there were a million ways to fix any given problem in your body, that's what would make it really awesome. And that's where we are is really awesome. So our philosophy is that we're, you know, we're just doing something different than what the current medical system is doing. And there will always be a place people will get into accidents, people will have, you know, heart attacks, people will get, you know, diseases that are going to require medical attention. But there's a long gap between when somebody's healthy, and when they require that, and there's a lot of damage, and things that have to go wrong for an extended period of time for people to get that way. And there's nothing that the medical system can offer you, that will actually make you healthier, right? So for example, if somebody is on five medications, and I asked that person, if I gave those five medications to your perfectly healthy son, what do you think would happen to him? They'd be like, Wow, he probably gets sicker. And I'm like, well, that's as healthy as you could be, is a healthy person on these medications, you can't get any healthier than that. And then they start scratching their head. Right? So so we we give people an opportunity to make an educated and informed decision, and let them know that there's different all kinds of different options that they have. And they can all coexist. And, you know, I'm happy that we have a medical system that does what it does. And hopefully at some point, they'll be happy that there's people like me that are doing what we do to reduce the burden on the system as well.
Jim Padilla:It's such a good conversation. I love it. You know the alignment with this piece, but I would call this a Pat Benatar focus. For those who are old enough to remember Pat Benatar rocker chick in the 80s. And I was a big fan. And she was, you know, pretty hardcore rock. And then she started, she made her millions and got her all of her followers. And then all of a sudden, she went into blues. And she lost a bunch of her followers. But she already had all the money she wanted, and that she just wanted to do what she felt she was called to do, and deliver the music the way that she wanted to. And I see so many successful entrepreneurs on a similar journey. You know, it's like, we've got the business part figured out. Now let's start really leaning into Who am I called to be? And how am I called to really change lives and change the world. And it's interesting, because even though we're in a sales training feels like a, you know, moderately a transactional environment, where everything we focus on is to bring people restored back to whole, like you can't sell, you can't come up as the expert, you can't show up as the person who can change lives. Unless you're fixing some things in yourself before we can fix some things in your business that didn't get materialized through your business. But at the end of the day, we're all healing people, restoring people back to home, just using a lot of different methods to do it. And and whenever possible, collaborating together to bring these solutions. And that's what I love with this, you know, what podcast is one way for us to collaborate and bring your what you're doing and your message to our audience who otherwise would not hear it. And so it's really cool to be a part of a vehicle that's doing all of that. Thank
Sachin Patel:Well thank you. Thanks. Thanks for creating the stage and the opportunity and the time. Definitely.
Jim Padilla:So how can people get a hold of you? And what do you where do you want to send them? What do you have for?
Sachin Patel:Oh, man, what do you think would be a good resource for them something health related?
Jim Padilla:I do, I think, you know, I mean, obviously, they can learn, you know, marketing, messaging, etc. In business from you, you're in business, Rockstar as well. But let's let's lean into the health component of this. How can we do something that you're the only one in my circle who's doing this? You know, so let's make sure we get you to stand out there. Yeah, absolutely.
Sachin Patel:So I have two resources that I like to share. One is called 30 in 30. And it's three zero i n three And it's 35 best tips. So if you ever came to see me as a patient, use the 30 things that I would tell you if you didn't already know and you weren't already doing and this keeps 80% of people out of our practice. The other tool is breath work with And this is where I share my ultimate breathing bundle. And what I'm going to share there is five key resources, a stop snoring guide. So I'll show you how to stop snoring in seven days if that affects you or someone that you love. I'll show you and teach you about breathing signatures, how to use your breath to change your emotions. I'll share with you a masterclass that I did for my patients on breathing so you can start practicing that as well. I'll share a resource that I have where I went to James nesters retreat and I actually took all the notes from the retreat and I'll share those with you and I have a very special 90 minute breathwork recording where I take you through a I did musical journey with breath to get into altered states of consciousness and, and go through a beautiful guided meditation. So I'll share all that in the ultimate breath bundle at breath work with
Jim Padilla:Perfect, So we'll have those in the show notes as well, so you can get access to him. And I recommend that you do guys just check it out even further, you know, I know most of our audiences is open to this conversation, if not already in it on some some degree. And if you're not just start moving this direction, this is about humanity. At the end of the day, we're all you know, business is just a transaction. It's just a vehicle. And inside the vehicles where transformation happens if it's done right, so this is part of the process. Take it I vouch for for Sachin, and everything he does, so trust me if nothing else, if he hasn't made that impression upon you in this last hour. So make sure that you tell him we sent you and tell me how it goes. I want to see what kind of transformations and what what new ah Ha's and what ways you see yourself living into your future differently. Now that you have some new knowledge, and the great part about this is once you learn something, you can't ever unlearn it, you can bury it, you can deny it, but it's in there now so they start getting to move in that direction. Sasha it's been a pleasure, man. I love having you on love you appreciate you. And you guys, thanks as always for being here. We know you can be anyplace else on the planet you chose to be here. Thanks for trusting us to be part of your success team. Make sure that you rate review and subscribe and all the areas that you can and share us with whoever needs to hear this message. We'll see on the next one.