Redefining Success: Think Big, Achieve More | OM023
In today’s episode, I am thrilled to bring you a conversation that’s all about achieving exponential success. We’re diving into the idea that big steps towards big outcomes are not only possible but more achievable than ever before. It’s a perspective shift that can transform your decision-making, actions, and the way you navigate your business.
My guest, Dr Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, a two-Time Inc 5000 CEO, joins us to share insights from her new book, “Move to Millions,” — join us for a conversation filled with wisdom, knowledge, and positive energy from people who genuinely care about your success and want to empower you to become the person you’ve been called to be.
Get ready to step into your full potential and start playing the game your way.
About the Dr Darnyelle Jervey Harmon:
Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon is the award-winning Inc.5000 CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC a business transformation company. She is best known for helping her six-figure clients become CEOs who make, move and leave millions. In her new book, Move to Millions: The Proven Framework to Become a Million Dollar CEO she shares her life and business transforming Move to Millions Method with the world.
Connect with Dr Darnyelle Jervey Harmon
About the Host:
Jim Padilla is the founder and CEO of Gain The Edge – a done-for-you provider of industry-leading sales systems and unicorn sales professionals which he co-heads with his wife and entrepreneurial partner-in-crime, Cyndi Padilla.
Through their unique blend of laser-targeted selling systems, inspirational team-building expertise, and 60+ years of combined sales experience – Jim and his wife have generated over 1/4 bn in sales for a long line of high-level, visionary entrepreneurs.
Jim’s mission is to help purpose-driven thought-leaders untangle themselves from the day-to-day minutiae of seeking leads and sales for their business so they’re free to amplify their impact.
When Jim’s not making dollars rain down from the sky, you’ll regularly find him at the driving range – hitting a bucket of balls. Jim credits his time on the driving range as the main source of his best ideas.
Recently relocated back to California, Jim & Cyndi are immersing themselves in family time with their three daughters & four (soon to be five) grandchildren.
Connect with Jim at
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Awesome. Yeah, it's a lot of good stuff right there. So let's, let's unpack that. Let's, I would love to, you know, as you come through this journey of lessons, you know, we're all we call them blessings and lessons, right? Every time there's something great. And anytime there's a struggle, there's usually something great on the other side of it. And there's not too many things you're going to earn that deliver well that don't come with some sort of lesson before you reach it. And what were the biggest takeaways, as you went through the struggles of failing and not having and things falling apart? are the biggest struggles and what lessons did you go from those?
Jim Padilla:Dr Darnyelle Jervey Harmon: Yeah, so I think the biggest struggles in the beginning were, it was tied to my belief in myself. And if I could actually earn money, it's one thing to go and get a job and get a paycheck. Nine times out of 10, the company that you work for is determining what you earn. And if you are bold and courageous enough to negotiate your salary, then you probably have some say otherwise, you're just kind of taking what you can get well, in entrepreneurship, you're the one who's calling the shots and determining what you earn. And so in the very early years, there was a healthy amount of nervousness and questioning whether or not what I wanted to offer to the marketplace was actually going to be desirable. And if I could actually charge what I needed to charge in order to have the kind of lifestyle I wanted to have. And so in the early years, we floundered I didn't charge enough. And it's part of the reason why we ended up filing bankruptcy. An addition to that was understanding the significance and the role that your messaging plays, and your ability to not only charge top dollar, but to attract the client that is going to be willing to invest in themselves at that level. And so how we've taken some of these lessons that we've learned and turn them into opportunities to continue to grow and develop is through what I call today, our move to millions method. That's our proven framework that I've used to scale and sustain a million dollar company and it has helped us to help 42 others in the last few years do the same exact thing. And so that framework is has five pillars strategy. Of course included in strategy is who do you serve the problem that you solve? What is the package? And how are you going to package the solution together? How are you going to price it? How are you going to position it? And how will you promote it so that ultimately you get to profit from it. The second pillar is sales. And I know this is your world all day long and twice on Sunday. Jim, how are you going to sell in a way that allows your client to self select and the to the selling process versus you having to go out there and feel like many of us feel when entrepreneurship that icky used car salesperson. The third pillar is systems. How do you erect the right software and operating procedures to be able to make your successful replicatable and duplicatable? Because that is how you scale people think that scaling is about speed, but it's actually about your ability to replicate and duplicate. The fourth pillar is support who's going to help you because you cannot do it by yourself contrary to the beliefs of all of these legit Self Made Millionaires that are out there. You are going to need a team, because there's many moving parts to having a million dollar company. So who will you have? And then running through strategy sales systems and support is the right success mindset, understanding the significance of your own personal power of belief, your self awareness, your leadership, your abundance, mindset, your money mindset, and your ability to look at some of the softer things jam, surrender, alignment, and obedience and forgiveness, and the role that they play in growing your business.
Jim Padilla:Amen to all of that, so, strategy, sales systems support and success mindset. I'm guessing, but I would love to hear your perspective. What's the area that people that what's one of those pieces, those pillars or two people struggling with the most
Jim Padilla:Dr Darnyelle Jervey Harmon: success mindset, hands down all day, my here's what I want everybody who's listening right now to know, the strategies, they all work, every single one of them every business model you're thinking about, and considering it will work. They all work. It's not the strategy. It's I call it the softer side of entrepreneurship. But there's also the harder side of entrepreneurship. It's believing that whichever strategy and business model you have selected to be your way to build your business that you actually can pull it off. It's believing that you are worthy, and you deserve to have it. Most of us, regardless of how you got here, where you came from who your family is, we all struggle with some form of challenge in our relationship with money. Those of us who came from money, we feel entitled and that we don't have to do any work for it, which that's a lie. Those of us who didn't come from it, think we'd have to overwork for it, guess what, that's a lie to the way that we experience the wealth and money flowing inconsistently, is through alignment, alignment is going to be encompassing of detaching from the outcome or surrender, you can set the goal to make millions and if you hold that goal, like you bought this business, it may never happen, because you're gonna exist in striving energy instead of allowing energy. So there has to be an element of surrender or detachment, you're going to need to understand the significance of obedience, obedience to the power that is higher than you but also obedience to the strategy. Because if you decide that you're using one business model to get to the million dollar mark, but then you get a bright shiny object syndrome and deviate to another, it will impact your ability to get there, when you say you want to be there. Forgiveness, there's a lot that has the potential to go wrong when you're interacting with people. People are human, which means that they make mistakes, some of them on purpose, some of them without even realizing it. And none of them are designed to keep you from what it is that you want, which is why you have to release and forgive right to go biblical for those of you who are believers and follow the word I always love to tell the story from our chapter 11. Starting around verse 20, Jesus and the disciples were worth walking from one city to the next, Jesus got hungry, you saw the fig tree, he decided he wanted to Fig Newton, he stopped to get a fig, the tree did not give him a fake, he got mad and he cursed the tree. There's so much power in the words that you speak. The next day he and his disciples are walking back. And the disciples cannot believe that the fake tree has curled up and died. Jesus sees that as a powerful moment to teach them a story. And he starts the tech saying you can say to any mountain move, and it will move. If you do these things, if you believe you don't out, you speak and you forgive. So if you believe that you can make millions you don't doubt the possibility of you making millions you speak over yourself that you're going to make millions and you forgive anybody who's done anything to you, that has the potential to keep you from getting your millions, you can walk into millions. But people don't want to hear that gym. They want to they want another strategy. They want to figure out how to make challenges work for them, or how to do webinars or how to do live events. They all work and they will all work. When you believe you don't out, you speak what you want, and you forgive
Jim Padilla:completely. And people don't have to understand this guy, this is all real. Wherever you whatever altar you worship at just there, you have to be able to have currencies move through you, you have to have allow the Spirit to move through you. That's it, you can't just there whenever there's blockages there's things that are going to lead to a challenge and forgiveness is one of the greatest areas of release and the release mechanism that I that I know of the best. It's the whole, you know, whatever you hold on to is what you're going to harbor and what's going to be in your way. And you have to make sure that you're surrendering and submitting. Because, you know, this is something that I consistently focus on. I'm always trying to do everything in my own strength in my own power instead of okay, that's right. God can do this better than me. And if I allow God to move me or move through me, then things start really happening. But I want to make sure that you guys are really tapping into this and understanding. You know, I, we used to have a lot I didn't used to have a friends, I had a friend that I know well, but haven't seen him a long time named Hans and he had hit back issue. And he's young guy, he's in his 20s. And he had a back issue. So it was basically struggling with back pain every single day. And I didn't know this until after I knew him for like a year, because he just, he just got so good at suppressing it and carrying it around. And we were at dinner one night, and he was like, I'm just, I mean, thriving pain right now. I just, I've just learned how to manage it and live with it was like my, my whole body's attraction right now. And I'm just suppressing it. So I can be here with you guys at dinner. And I thought that's just what an incredible way to have to live life. And he's literally spending like 50% of his personal energy and resources, focusing on don't show the pain, suppress the pain, suppress the pain, instead of being totally present with us and where we are. And so he's only being half the man that he could be literally, yeah, too many times. That's where we are when we're so focused on trying to harbor resentment or frustration, even if it's for ourself, like, I don't deserve this, or I'm angry because I did this wrong, or I'm angry because this person screwed me over? Well, you're literally using half of your resources to suppress something instead of just allowing it to go turning it over and start leaning into what is possible. Because you can't do this with half of you, you need all of you in a network and God. And
Jim Padilla:Dr Darnyelle Jervey Harmon: that was such a great analogy. And it's a good visual for people to understand the significance of it. And the cool thing that I really just want to point out here, like this is not just for people who are believers or have a faith center. It's a universal principle. If you want to experience all of the abundance that your hand, your heart, and your bank account can hold, you need these principles operating in your life experience. And I think it's important to say that, because I don't want anyone listen to us, both of us very clear on who we are, who's we are and who we serve, and think that we're not talking to them. So it's universal. So I just want to be clear that, you know, if you have a desire, and you must, if you're listening to or watching this podcast, you have a desire to succeed, whatever that looks like for you. The way that you do that is by not just looking at your strategy, making sure you're getting sales, creating the right systems and have the right support. But also make sure that you're integrating a success mindset in everything that it is that you're doing. And leveraging those principles that are probably not the fun ones. But they are very important as a part of the process to get you to where it is that you desire to be inside of your life and in your business.
Jim Padilla:Where it will set. You I love the statement, you said your quote was if you don't come from millions, millions should come from you. I love that. And I'm alright. And people in our world, you know what I tend to think grande exponential. So they're used to that from me. And we just know that statistics don't bear out that everybody lives that way. So how does somebody right now listening to that say, yeah, yeah, sure. That's okay for you. But I don't know about me.
Jim Padilla:Dr Darnyelle Jervey Harmon: Yeah. So my thought is this. First and foremost, I believe that abundance is every single one of our birth rights. I think that we are supposed to be here to experience the fullness of life experience here on Earth, right. And so if you have a belief that is contrary to that, I would ask you to question where that belief comes from. I think that by tracing the root, you can identify where you may have been taught, or you caught something that is actually not your own belief in your original creation, it's just one that you're perpetuating. And if that is, in fact, the case, I want to offer you the opportunity to look at a way to reframe it, because I don't think anyone wakes up every day, even the person who is homeless, doesn't work, wake up every day and say, Oh, I'm so glad I'm homeless. I'm so glad I don't have I think everyone innately wakes up with a desire to experience more. And you fill in the blank of what the more is for you. So if you are an entrepreneur or small business owners that more might be more clients that you get to serve. It might be more money in your bank account. It might be more traveling experiences, you decide what more looks like but I think innately we were created and programmed to seek out more to seek out abundance. And so I believe that if we were created to do that, there's also a provision that has been made for us to experience it. So inside of your business because we're talking to business people, what might that look like? Here's what I know. You don't need a website. You don't need a branding. You don't need the right typography and logo to make money. You need a problem. You saw someone who has the problem, and a way to get in touch with them to tell them that you can solve the problem. So in today's day and age that looks like a cell phone, a list of people to call, and what you're going to say to them when they pick up the phone, that's all you need to make money, and to change your situation. And if you would stop being bogged down by all the things, and don't get me wrong, but things are great. But they are not necessary to have more coming to your business. Anytime I had a really great launch gym, it was the least common denominator, I did a launch a couple of years ago, actually repeated it a few weeks ago. But a couple of years ago, I had this course that I wanted to create, and I believe in getting paid to do my work. And so I said, I'm going to find, you know, 10 people who will be willing to be in this beta with me, so I could get my course created. And I set the beta price at $3,500. And I said I wanted 10 people to do it. I ended up with 30 people signing up over six figures from something I needed to do anyway, why did the same thing again a few weeks ago, for another course I want to create got some people to pay me 35 $3,000 I think we did for this one, to do it generated $75,000 to do something I was going to do anyway. And you know what I did, I picked up the phone, and I called people I sent text messages. There was no sales page, there was no none of the things it was a way for them to pay. And a conversation that transpired either in text message or over the phone that generated $75,000. So what I would say to you, if you are thinking, Yeah, that sounds good for you. But it doesn't work for me, I would encourage you to try it before you deny it. And see if it could work for you. And that's just very simple in it. And that's regardless, right, I think about five years ago, when we were building our home are all of the options that we wanted, the deposit was $50,000. And so rather than take the money out of the savings account, I decided to create it and I generated $50,000 In three days. So once we understand that we were created to experience abundance, and we decide that we are worthy and deserve to experience abundance, we start operating and vibrating and acting at a level that is higher than the level that we may have been on previously. And that is what allows for the current, the abundance, the money to flow into our direction. It is merely about getting into alignment. I tell people all the time, if you believe that you have to work hard in order to make money. That means you can't make money unless you work hard. But financial success is not about hard work. It's about alignment of thought. And so what can you do to get in alignment with the belief that you are already abundance and in abundance is is waiting to flow to you right now. So that it can actually flow.
Jim Padilla:That is real talk. And, you know, you guys don't think about don't think about this as Oh, this is just some woowoo mindset or perspective. Because there's real, there's science and logic behind this too. Right? There's a reason that I actually was just, we're doing a workshop on mining for gold. So we're literally showing people Where's all the gold around you that you're just walking by every single day, because everybody is leaving money on the table. But first step is believing that it's there. And if you have some exponential, if your goal is to just increase by 10%, you're gonna solve problems in a very different way than if your goal is to 10x your business, you're gonna be thinking different, you're gonna be looking different. And it usually starts with a plan, and then a strategy to achieve that plan. And the average person is never going to see a million dollars. But people in our world see a million dollars frequently because they plan for it. And then they implement a strategy to achieve it. So the likelihood is that they will almost guarantee to do it. Yeah, right, versus somebody who's just doesn't believe that it can happen, then they go through the motions. So it's when you create a plan and a strategy in line aligned to strategy towards that, then the goal, the key is it keeps you in moving towards it, instead of doing other things that move away from it. So it's really it's not that complicated. And it is a reality. But you know, here's one piece that I would love your perspective on this, you know, something that I that I asked one of the questions I'll be asking in the workshop is what is the 99% look like in your world? And what I mean by that is people say, Oh, 1% of people make millions. Well, that means 99% Don't. That's because most people don't have a goal or a plan to do it. But in our world, 99% of people do get there because they do have that. So what's the 99% In your world, that when people are in your world, the regular statistics don't matter. Only the reality of your world matters.
Jim Padilla:Dr Darnyelle Jervey Harmon: Yeah. So before I answer that question, I want to slide back to what you just said a moment ago about the importance of the plan and I 100% agree. And so I look at the continuum this way. The first thing that you have to do is you have to prepare and typically the preparation In this mental, right, then you can plan then you positions for you make sure everything is lined up. And then you can take the action, right, so you can process you can proceed, which will lead you to the profit. So I like peas. So that's to add to that. So the 99% in my world looks like every one of our clients. So we typically work with 100 to 200, small business owners and entrepreneurs that are at the six figure level every single year. And 99% of them are growing their businesses by at least 50%. Anywhere from 50% to 200%. On average, we have the anomalies that are 600 to 2,000% growth inside of a year. They are operationalizing their businesses, they're truly becoming CEOs, and not just on their business card. Because that's what we put on our business card, but we're not E owing anything. So they're truly becoming CEOs by putting together a team and building out an operational infrastructure that's going to support their business so that they can go from spending 80% of their time inside of their business to 80% of their time on their business. And 20% of or less of their time actually, in their business performing the service. They truly become the leader, that is leading the people that are serving the clients. Additionally, 99% of our clients are, they're breaking their own belief barriers as to how they can collapse time and make more money. It used to be a big deal to be able to make $100,000 in a year, well, we get our clients to the point where they're making it in a month. So I'm in a week and some of the day, we've even had clients like to the last two weeks, I've been with clients in Atlanta who made $100,000 in hours. So we teach them how to collapse time so that they can get to the milestone much faster without actually working harder, but instead operationalizing, streamlining, and creating the right alignment inside of themselves in their team. And so that's what we say for 99%.
Jim Padilla:Amen. I love that. What would you say is we're getting to wrap up here shortly. With that perspective, you know, I, I don't believe that we actually earn the money. I believe that we do the things that we all have the same amount of time. But it's the level of time that we move through how we collapse timeframes is what generates an outcome, that outcome is usually in the form of money, right? So we're not targeting the money, we're targeting the impact the outcome, the activities, and the people who learn how to move time, move through time more effectively, more leveraged more impactfully and more for that time.
Jim Padilla:Dr Darnyelle Jervey Harmon: Correct. And I agree with you, we don't earn because we don't have to earn we're already created, worthy right earning stipulates that there's a question about whether or not there is a value for who we are. So it's not about us, it's for the product or the service, right? I always say, you know, your work has a price. But you're like, you're invaluable. We're priceless. You can't afford us because of who we are and who we were created to be. But the things that we do, do have a price point associated with them. And we want to make sure that we do that. So yeah, I agree.
Jim Padilla:So this is your whole brand, everything you're here you're elegant, you're wealthy, healthy, wise, all of those good things. And, of course, you know, being on brand, you have a great book that is in the process of being ready to be launched by the time you hear this and is in flow. This will you're in the middle of your launch, move to millions talking about that and where can people get access to it?
Jim Padilla:Dr Darnyelle Jervey Harmon: Yeah, move to millions is the book I was born to write it is part memoir and part methodology. It is the proven framework that we have used detailed high level for you guys to move to millions method that we and 42 of our clients over the last few years have used to scale and sustain companies to and beyond the million dollar mark. When I say it's the book I was born to write, I say that because integrated in the methodology is what I have experienced on my own trajectory to becoming a multi millionaire. So I'm not just a million or multi million dollar CEO, I'm also a multimillionaire, I am building generational wealth and changing and shifting the generations of my family because of what it is that I do today. And for me, it's important that I say that for two reasons. Number one, because I don't do theory, everything that I presented to you in the book is proven to work. So I know that it will work for you too. And number two, I think that more of us who have accomplished something that is desired by the masses needs to be more vocal about not only sharing that we've done it but also give us a blueprint or roadmap on how to be able to do it too. So inside of the pages have moved to millions you will literally learn exactly how to leverage the move to learn It's worth it. And just like I shared during this interview, your whichever business model you want to use is fine. Once you've determined your business model, you still need the right strategy, the right sales infrastructure, the right systems, the right support and the right success mindset. So it's agnostic to business model, which makes it really powerful. We can do this in the government, we can do it in corporations, we can do it in nonprofit, the move to millions method is the method to understand to in order in order to be able to create what it is that you desire, with grace and ease, instead of hustling right? Throughout the book, you'll hear, or you'll read my powerful story, and some of the experiences and obstacles that I've overcome on my journey to this point in my life, and it's also filled with client case studies. Because I'm not the only one, I'm one of many who have leveraged this process in order to experience the result that we know is capable. I'm excited about the book, and you can get it wherever you buy books, or you can go to move to millions
Jim Padilla:Perfect. And if they do, or when they do when you guys go get this book, what else do they get with it, I know, you are about creating change and creating a movement, what to get to people get to participate.
Jim Padilla:to the million dollar mark in:Jim Padilla:Amen. If you had to sum it up in one sentence, what is the number one takeaway why why do people want this book?
Jim Padilla:Dr Darnyelle Jervey Harmon: You want this book, if you desire, if you've been thinking about dreaming about and even attempting to make the move to millions, but it's continued to elude you. I'm gonna literally hand you a proven blueprint that you can follow step by step that will get you there in the time that is best for your highest good.
Jim Padilla:Awesome. So pretty direct, pretty clear. Who knows you need it. And if you've been thinking about it, and you're just struggling, we disagree. I did a training just last week, when I was asking people who's been trying to get the seven figures for a while so much that they've given up on it, and half the room raise their hand, and the other people are just lying. So we want to make sure that you have as much support and the right support and I wouldn't bring that Dr. Darnell, t if I didn't believe I've seen this woman in action. She's wisdom is there. She's smart, strategic. She's the real deal. She's done it and she cares. I don't know what more combination of, of things you need in place for make a great decision. All it is is a book, you're not asking for anything more at this moment, buy the book, and then you determine what's the next step in the journey with her. But I highly recommend that you take the book and be part of this launch party so that you can get as much of this as possible and start seeing that this can really happen for you.
Jim Padilla:Dr Darnyelle Jervey Harmon: Absolutely. And I just want to also just add him, like even if seven figures is not your milestone, but you feel stuck where you are, you likely can leverage what it is not even likely you absolutely can leverage what's inside the book to get to whatever your milestone is right. We have some clients who come to work with us. They don't want to hit seven figures. They just want a good solid half a million dollar company that they can rinse and repeat year after year after year. Well, the principles apply no matter where you are, or where you're desiring to go. We also have clients who have done two to 3 million that I want to get to 10 The process is it works no matter where it is that you desire to go. So just like you probably have books like how to win friends and influence people and the big leap and Profit First in your professional library you want to copy have moved to millions to be there as well.
Jim Padilla:Amen. It's a great place to wrap up on so I thank you for being here for this conversation as As always, we know you could literally be anyplace else on the planet and choose to be here and we don't take that for granted. Thanks for trusting us to be part of your success team. And we want to make sure that we deliver on that trust. And so take action on this. Make sure that you go in get into Dr. Danielle's world, tell her we said hello, and see what happens for you. It costs you nothing to take those steps. It could cost you EVERYTHING not to. So make sure that you do and know that we're behind you. We want to help you the wind in your sails and make that make that all that success come true for you. So thank you for being here. We'll see you on the next episode. Take care