Harnessing the Power of Funnels & Facebook Ads with Tammy Lane

Are you finding it challenging to find the perfect main offer that resonates with your audience and compels them to say “YES”?

Do you feel overwhelmed and unsure about how to navigate Facebook Ads and create an effective funnel for your business?

If these struggles sound familiar, then you’re in for a treat with this episode featuring the incredible Tammy Lane, a true genius in the realm of Facebook ads and funnels. Sharing what has worked for her brings insight into why mastering these aspects is crucial for the growth and success of your business.

Join us if you are ready to take the next step.

About the Guest:

You know how transformation specialists like coaches, service professionals, and consultants struggle to get enough clients (or have to work way too hard to attract the clients they have)?

I love that I get to help them solve this!

I do this by helping them design and implement a unique Facebook ad strategy that allows them to wake up to new clients every day …. automatically! We help build companies to the multi-million dollar level with our top-performing ads and want to help you get results quickly too.

Connect with Tammy Lane:

Website: https://funnelcures.com/home

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tammyklane/


Apply for your free “Facebook Ads to Clients Coaching Session” today:

About the Host:

Jim Padilla is the founder and CEO of Gain The Edge – a done-for-you provider of industry-leading sales systems and unicorn sales professionals which he co-heads with his wife and entrepreneurial partner-in-crime, Cyndi Padilla.

Through their unique blend of laser-targeted selling systems, inspirational team-building expertise, and 60+ years of combined sales experience – Jim and his wife have generated over 1/4 bn in sales for a long line of high-level, visionary entrepreneurs.

Jim’s mission is to help purpose-driven thought-leaders untangle themselves from the day-to-day minutiae of seeking leads and sales for their business so they’re free to amplify their impact.

When Jim’s not making dollars rain down from the sky, you’ll regularly find him at the driving range – hitting a bucket of balls. Jim credits his time on the driving range as the main source of his best ideas.

Recently relocated back to California, Jim & Cyndi are immersing themselves in family time with their three daughters & four (soon to be five) grandchildren.

Connect with Jim at https://jimp360.com

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Jim Padilla:

Tammy now that, you know, let's just roll into the conversation and why don't you in your own words, just, you know, what's who are you? Who's Tammy lane?

Tammy Lane:

Well, I'm a mom first. So I, you know, I started my first business before, you know, I had a family or anything. So, but I've always been super passionate about business. But things really shifted after having a family and I got very clear on what my boundaries were and how many hours I wanted to work. And I wanted to demonstrate also for the three girls that you can do what you love, and do it well and make really good money at it so that it shifted priorities happened. My youngest is 11.

Jim Padilla:

Got it. Yeah, I remember that a long time ago, our youngest is now 31. So we're just we're means I think that just means we're getting older. Right. So, you know, that's awesome. And I love that you have that kind of, of balance. I love making money. And I love my freedom, right? I mean, I like to be able to go to the you know, play golf, travel spend, we moved back to California to be around grandkids, we have our newest granddaughter last week. So we're now we would want the freedom to be able to spend the time with him, then do whatever we want, whenever we want with them. So it's important, but you also you have to make money in order to make that happen. You have to have a lifestyle, you have to have something that gives you the freedom. Right. And, you know, part of the theme of this conversation is what we're dealing with in the marketplace right now, you know, we'll we'll talk more about you know, funnel cures, you know, in in ads, and all of that stuff, you know that that's, that's the boring stuff, the least important stuff about you, but like what's going on in the marketplace right now and in the economy? And what things do entrepreneurs need to be thinking about? And so, you know, my my first question for you around that is, what are the things that you see people missing as opportunities all around.

Tammy Lane:

So I mean, as an entrepreneur myself, like, I feel like we just as a population tend to get distracted into new things really easily. And so if I can say my biggest downfall in, in my timeline to being successful, it would definitely be that. And also, I think downplaying the importance of having an offer that is that is extremely hot that people are easily going to say yes to because everything else is going to be hard in your business, your funnel, your ads, your everything if your offer isn't dialed in. So I think you know, with the economy and things going, that just is going to become even more important over the next months.

Jim Padilla:

Yeah. Those are all great words, what the hell does that mean? How do you stop the distraction? How do you stop chasing? Because everybody's looking for a great idea. And so everything looks like a good idea until it's taken away over here.

Tammy Lane:

Right? I guess I put myself on a diet when it came to certainly doing more courses or anything like that. And I just decided that I was going to fully implement what I was working on before I allow myself and I have a team now and so they kind of hold me accountable as well. They're like, Tammy, like you said, and I'm like, oh, okay, okay. Right. countability partner can do the same thing.

Jim Padilla:

Right. Right. Um, so with with people, you know, I mean, you and I have been blessed to have some fantastic clients. And, you know, we've got a great peer group of people who are, the thing I love about what we do is we're always attached to the people who are going to make the change when change has happened, right? Because that's our clients. They're all innovators, and pioneers, and risk takers, and all of that. So there's a sense of comfort and what we do, but for people who don't have that they just they they are the juice for their community. How do we how do how do what is what you see is this. You know, I wouldn't say like the best way but how do you stay relevant, sharp and ahead of the pack, so that people are clear that you are helping to pave the way and they can trust following it.

Tammy Lane:

I guess the biggest thing for me is I only teach things that I actually do and have tried and that really like I've been doing this for 15 years now. So I may have gotten in a little bit of a like I was teaching things that I've been teaching for a long time, but when COVID happened, really the whole online market shifted entirely. So I had to redo all my stuff too. So retesting re Evaluating, figuring out what was working and what wasn't. So I feel like that process like, what what it brought back for me is that process is so important on an ongoing basis if I'm going to teach my clients that I don't just want to be teaching them what I've always done, because the market does shift, right? Yeah.

Jim Padilla:

Yeah, I totally appreciate that. We've we're in the same boat. We've We've retooled everything. And you know, as as we, the same goes, We're drinking our own Kool Aid and eating our own dog food and all of whatever metaphors you want to put in it, just to make sure that everything we're teaching is accurate. And everything we're doing actually works. Yeah. Right. So one more thing I want to talk about before we talk a little bit more of the tactics is, you know, as somebody who has had an opportunity to sell a business exit an opportunity. Typically, what I find is, when we're acquiring companies are in that conversation, we just see things a little different than the average entrepreneur. And so it opens up eyes to things, and we don't, we don't freak out about certain things. And like right now in the marketplace, it's easy to freak out. Because of all the fear that the media is throwing at you everybody's doubtful and anxious and concerned. How do you see approaching an economy like this? You know, because for me, it's different to I get excited in an opportunity like this, because opportunities open up? And what's your approach to a challenging time? That maybe wasn't before?

Tammy Lane:

Yeah, I feel like my, my whole first, like 13 years in business, things were fairly stable, like, there wasn't a huge shifts and things. So you know, the COVID market place, really made me see things differently as well, in terms of the things you've always done aren't always going to work. And so I just bringing that new attitude into moving into, you know, whatever's coming this next year, and honestly, the first year of COVID, was one of my best years ever in business, because we, because we run ads, and we're seeing the tests happen really quickly. It allows us to adjust our marketing fairly quickly, like compared with an average person. And so as we were doing that, we saw huge wins, like I had my biggest event of all time, my first million dollar weekend, like all of those things happened, because we were able to shift and so I'm just conscious of that now. I do believe things are going to be shifting in the upcoming year. And so just making sure I'm constantly dialed in on the performance of things, because that allows a gauge for me where the markets headed.

Jim Padilla:

Yeah. So you know, let's talk a little bit more about that from the from an ADS perspective and funnels perspective. I really good point that you made right. And most people are not doing enough volume, and they're too far downstream by the time they start making changes. They're, you know, they're they're dealing much more with lagging indicators versus leading at that point. When you do high volume with ads, you get faster feedback, more feedback, so you can make change quick. Yeah. Right. So what is your take on that or your strategy to ensure that happens?

Tammy Lane:

I mean, we're in a really amazing place that I'm not only running my own ads, but we're running ads for, you know, hundreds of clients, whether we do done with you. So we're seeing the results still every week, or we do done for you as well. And so my knowledge of what's happening in the market happens very quick, because it's not just my money on the line with the ads, it's the clients. And so the hard part is understanding. Facebook fluctuates all the time. So we had a client last week, she had her best week ever 28 grand last week. But the week before, she was like, Tammy, I'm only at seven grand this week, like what is going on. And Facebook just fluctuates, right? So we're looking at an average there. So the key is knowing when it's a fluctuation, and when it's a trend. And so the benefit for us is getting to see it across the client. So when that client was down, I went out and looked at the data from the other clients and a lot of the other clients had a down week that week as well as Facebook shifts algorithms and stuff. And then last week when she had her best week ever, also clients are also seeing that and I am as well. And so just knowing whether it's a fluctuation or a trend, you know, because you want to react quickly if it's a trend, but you don't want to panic if it's a fluctuation.

Jim Padilla:

Yeah, man, that's that's really important. The you know, we talked about like when we started working with a client and we're doing we're running sales conversation For people, you can be 12 or 17 conversations in and you're not seeing, you're seeing massive fluctuations and things. And it's so easy to say, well, we got to change this. And we make a benchmark standard. And we don't change anything until we've had 100 conversations, right? Because then at least we have a control group of enough to say, well, this is a trend that we're seeing that makes sense. But for conversations, or 11, or 22, would have said, you know, with three different responses, if that's not a trend, you can't make any intelligent decision around that. Right. So, you know, so so your Facebook Fossett, you've been doing that for a long time ever since I've known you them before. And then you you recently in the last couple of years, started the your funnel cures business. And so tell us a little bit about what funnel cures is, but then I really want to suffer from pack for the audience. How does funnel cures help support and enhance your Facebook? Business, your ad business?

Tammy Lane:

Yeah, so we launched just over a year ago now, funnel cures, and that, honestly, I really did it for we coach clients and getting their funnel setup, I really struggled with coaching them on multiple platforms, just because it's such a time investment on their part, and they would be months. So we ended up diving into what the solutions could be that we could do it for them a lot quicker, and where there wasn't a 10 or $20,000 price tag attached with doing their funnel. And then on the other side of that when the new iOS 14, it's a little old now, iOS 14 update came out. And the tracking ability for Google ads and Facebook ads was significantly compromised, which means clients were seeing about a 30% decline in their ad performance. And so I reached out to a few companies, they were going to charge 30 grand a year plus 10% of profits on an ongoing basis, just to do the tracking piece. And I was like that is I'm gonna sell a lot of things and make up for that. And so we researched getting into a new news, what the solution could be. So those two things combined, we ended up doing our funnel care software. So we do have a Facebook and Google API, where we can send information outside of the iOS device back to Facebook on our system, so that Facebook knows who's buying knows who's opting in, and all those things. And we did see that 30% uptake, again, even sometimes more than that, because the tracking is even better than it was before the iOS update. And so we just when Facebook knows who is buying from you, they want you to make more sales, because you're gonna spend more money, they will go out and find more of those people, when they don't know who's buying from you because the data is not being sent, then it gets really difficult and ad performance. You're spending more money to get in front of people who won't buy,

Jim Padilla:

Right? Yeah, that. Here's what I'm hearing. For you guys listening on this show has a problem. With the now you have your we all had a problem with iOS change and all that everybody the whole, everybody was running for new platforms and new ideas. And instead of panicking and reacting, Jammy started looking for the right solutions started thinking through what are the problems while How can her brilliance herbs experience, what is her experience giving her as a solution as an idea, and then who can help implement and execute on that solution and start finding the results. And then short term, you take a dip and a hit but then you solve it and then you overcome it. Right. And now you can also then provide that for your clients. And it's one thing we want to be talking about in a lot you'll you'll notice to me we're, you know with with this interview with me, we're early into the new stages of our new of our new podcast, but the trends you're trying to see is looking for solutions and not looking for protection, right people are running, most people are backing up trying to run for cover, find protection and the people who are winning are the ones who are leaning in and finding solutions and then bringing those solutions to their marketplace.

Tammy Lane:

And I think that's just sums it up so perfectly Jim because I do feel like the when the market is shifting, there's so much opportunity opens up for you and like if you can leap into that opportunity when everybody else is running and covering. Certainly a very lucrative time to be moving forward.

Jim Padilla:

Awesome. So So who who's the person who should be reaching out and talking to you about funnel support and add support? What is your criteria? Who do you help the most?

Tammy Lane:

So we have two different programs on both sides funnels and ads. One is for people who who don't have a team want their first funnel or their first working funnel set up, we have a very inexpensive program where we build it for them. And we even have one where we do the copy for them all included in that. So they our clients literally are having a fully functioning funnel, to share ready to share within three weeks of starting in that. And then we have training programs on the ad side for that. And on our agency side, we build custom done for you conversion funnels, and combine them with Facebook and Instagram ads.

Jim Padilla:

That's powerful. And like I said, you know, I met Tammy, gosh, I think eight years ago or so, at an event. And she was already doing this for several years before that. And it's cool, because just like us we've been, the longer we do this, we're the only people who've done it this long, right? So Right. And so everybody else can be jumping on and people learn new things. And I'm not discounting anybody who's just starting what they're doing. But there's a lot to be said for someone who's experienced a decade worth of challenge and solution. And outcomes that can be you know, you've forgotten things that most people will never even learn. And you have what we call efficiencies of infrastructure, you have just solved for this and in ways that most people haven't, because they just have never come across the volume and the scale of solute of, of opportunity that you have. So, you know, reach out and you know, make sure you have a connection with her and find out. Is there something that you have that can get people started to figuring out what's what's the right funnel solution for them, you have a resource that we can send them to.

Tammy Lane:

Yeah, so we have a free it's an evaluation on what type of funnel is going to be best for you. So yeah, I can definitely provide that link, Jim, they can get started there and on that, on the after we help them figure out what funnel is going to be best for them. We have a guide that shows them how they can get started.

Jim Padilla:

Awesome. So that'll be in the show notes, guys will be there as as well as all contact information ways to be able to reach Tammy. So the end, please do reach out you need to talk to her. I mean, right now my concern for you is that you're too busy trying to chase a lot of solutions. And I know the thing I tell everybody all the time is start unsubscribing to everybody's stuff, please do. But get crystal clear. If this is what you need, if you are absolutely meaning a to master a path from the audience's don't mean to make sure that they know you and the right people are getting ready to solve if that's the problem you are needing, then have a conversation, it costs you nothing to talk to her team could cost you everything, then another year frustration, if you don't, please do, and make sure you tell her that we sent you. And we're really excited to see that and we're working with her as well. So that when you're in our world, in our in our mastermind community, we you have access to Tammy solutions, as well. So they are creating specific funnels for for our clients. Because we're always, you know, helping people fill their events and do that do predictable things that that lend itself to being able to, you know, replicate a process and a funnel well.

Tammy Lane:

I will just say, Jim, like the crew that you've assembled on your team, across so many diverse areas is like world class. Like if there if the listeners are coming into your world, like the team that Jim has, on the back end, I've never seen such an amazingly qualified group of people who can help you in every area of your business.

Jim Padilla:

Thank you, thank you, I appreciate that. And, you know, that's actually Cindy and I sales a lot. But I mean, it's and I, the thing I do better than anything else is attract amazing people into my world that that's my best skill set better than any piece of knowledge I can ever provide it. I know I can surround you with amazing humans, and amazing people in all areas. So I love that affirmation. So when one last thought here before we wrap up, and what what do you think right now is the you know, it's a balancing act, because we don't want people running around chasing squirrels and shiny objects. However, we don't want people to miss out on opportunity. So what is what is your biggest input for people who are sitting right now trying to figure out how do I go on offense instead of defense right now? And how do I do it with minimal risk to me?

Tammy Lane:

I definitely think like a funnel is a foundational piece if you don't already have something that's consistently at least bringing you in leads, if not sales, as well, of course, but we're really seeing a shift into community based marketing. So if you if you're not growing your list for people to get to know you so that you can make sales to that community. You're really I feel like going to struggle in the next 12 months to have consistent sales and so the time to start building that list and that part is so easy to get set up. That you can literally be started in a couple of weeks of bringing in that community I feel like you can't really go wrong with that it's inexpensive and easy to get started on that.

Jim Padilla:

Yes, Agree. Agree, I love that. And yeah, it's all about relationships. I think though that old saying the power of your, your net worth is going to equal your network, or vice versa. However this was to be said, I think it's never been more true than its than it is now. And as we move forward, you're gonna be able to bury the people you surround yourself with are going to be the level of, of your ability to tread water, or swim and is going to be based on who you're holding on to. So make sure you're holding on to the right people. You got us and now you got Tammy and her crew and her amazing team and all of her experience. Reach out, I want you to connect with me. We're not bringing them here just to share some cool Nuggets with you. We're bringing people to you that we trust that we know that we believe in and that we want you to be able to have access to. So Tammy Elaine funnel tears and Facebook ad faucet right Facebook faucet. Yeah, so and she's not just a pretty face, y'all. She got a lot of wisdom under that dome.

Tammy Lane:

A few wrinkles to show for it.

Jim Padilla:

All right. Tammy, thank you so much for being here. And always so great to get to spend some time with you and appreciate you sharing your wisdom and insights with people here and the podcast and we'll look forward to seeing you more.