Mastering the Art of Creating Opportunities with Elizabeth Purvis
In the world of business, there are countless paths to success and my guest this week Elizabeth Purvis brings a fresh perspective and alternative approach to unlocking success and creating a harmonious blend of purpose-driven work and financial prosperity.
Join us on our exploration of aligning passion, purpose, and business and brace yourself for the incredible results that await you on your journey to the top.
About the Guest:
ELIZABETH PURVIS is a master offers + messaging strategist, business coach and metaphysical teacher to thousands of women worldwide. She is the creator of Feminine Magic® series of metaphysical teachings and is the Founder/CEO of 7-Figure Goddess®, the premiere business mentoring company for “magicians” – coaches, healers, energy workers and spiritual teachers wanting to bring their Highest Level Work to the world by way of a high income, high profit business.
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About the Host:
Jim Padilla is the founder and CEO of Gain The Edge – a done-for-you provider of industry-leading sales systems and unicorn sales professionals which he co-heads with his wife and entrepreneurial partner-in-crime, Cyndi Padilla.
Through their unique blend of laser-targeted selling systems, inspirational team-building expertise, and 60+ years of combined sales experience – Jim and his wife have generated over 1/4 bn in sales for a long line of high-level, visionary entrepreneurs.
Jim’s mission is to help purpose-driven thought-leaders untangle themselves from the day-to-day minutiae of seeking leads and sales for their business so they’re free to amplify their impact.
When Jim’s not making dollars rain down from the sky, you’ll regularly find him at the driving range – hitting a bucket of balls. Jim credits his time on the driving range as the main source of his best ideas.
Recently relocated back to California, Jim & Cyndi are immersing themselves in family time with their three daughters & four (soon to be five) grandchildren.
Connect with Jim at
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I love it. Well, my goodness, where do I start? So my name is Elizabeth Purvis. I'm the creator, co owner and now author of seven figure Goddess. My name of my book is seven figure goddess as well. I have been in the online space for a really long time helping what I call transformational leaders. So coaches, healers, practitioners, consciousness razors, I sometimes call them magicians make a lot of money basically, like that's been the one consistent element by pricing and packaging their services putting their stuff together in such a way that sells now we teach a methodology to help people get out of the marketing grind and sell their stuff a lot more efficiently by really honing in on their offers and messaging. But that's really like, at the end of the day, when people ask me, what do you do? It's like, well, I help transformation woowoo types make a lot of money. And people go, Oh, that's cool. And I say, Yeah, it really, really is. It's really cool.
Jim Padilla:Yeah, aka, she helps people create a lot of opportunities for other people. Right, exactly exactly what this is, which is why Elizabeth is here, in addition to the fact that she's a very, a great personal friend, we have become very close over the course of the last several years. And, you know, she's doing amazing things for amazing people. And, you know, it's interesting, because, obviously, you know, we, we came together through our business model, and, but you also have a whole different perspective on sales in general. And it's fascinating to me, because there's literally a million different ways to make millions of dollars. I mean, there's no one way to do anything.
Elizabeth Purvis:you know, when I was back in:Jim Padilla:remember, I guess it was what:Elizabeth Purvis:2015. If I remember dude.
Jim Padilla:Yeah, in a while. So but at that time, you you know, you were clear, you didn't want to do events you want you wanted to not do a bunch of launches, right? You wanted a simple model, that was going to be something that was easy for you to fulfill on and still provide a great volume and opportunity for revenue. And for the sales team. We were literally just doing like a monthly webinar.
Elizabeth Purvis:Yeah, that's what we were doing back then it's we were doing a monthly webinar to get hands raised for sales calls, and we were closing them. And then I would occasionally have a bigger program. And then we would sit down you and I would sit down and jam out the positioning and the messaging and the who we wanted. And you would just go and do it.
Jim Padilla:Yeah, that was fun. And but then then you reached a place. You know, I mean, we worked together a couple years and made, you know, made a few million dollars and then just decided I'm done. I don't want to do that anymore. And so we were you know, we separated from a business relationship, because you just decided you wanted to do things differently. And then now watching you come to where you are now. And it's you know, it's cool, because for me, I mean, the opportunity maker has always been something that's been in my brain. It's something that I see. It's something that I'm very attracted to and aware of. And then it's just now becoming an official brand for us. And part of what we're doing, but I think most opportunity makers, it's been in their DNA the whole time.
Elizabeth Purvis:Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Well, and it's like, you know, it's a because when I think about one of your genius says aside from really heart centered, selling and persuasion like you have such a beautiful way of approaching sales and I just remember being blown away. way by that went all the way back then going, Okay, this guy's on my level, right in terms of how he approaches sales and how he, you know interacts with people. But you see possibility everywhere you see possibility everywhere. And I think that there's a lot of folks who do that, but it's one of the one of the things, it's one of your strengths is that you've learned how to see that and then act on it and maintain it without getting kind of like, the weight of the world, all up your nose. Yeah, that's, I think a big skill that opportunity makers and possibility seers get to cultivate now, because it's really easy to be like to have that expansion followed by that contraction
Jim Padilla:It's interesting, because if you have to look at the world through that lens, then literally like all I see is opportunity everywhere Cindy and I were just talking about today, we have so many opportunities. Our concern at the moment is, which ones do we capitalize on? Because we're you know, we're looking at acquiring businesses and doing some other things. And but there's so many great things, it's like, well, we can't do them all. But the good, but when you have that perspective, it literally takes the pressure off of because if I say no to this one, or if I screw up this one, no problem, I got another one coming tomorrow. And so I don't worry about it. And so when you don't worry about it, you can relax, and then just kind of feel into it and just continue to take the opportunities as they come.
Elizabeth Purvis:And not sweat which ones are letting go over which ones are holding on to.
Jim Padilla:Yeah, so as you know, help people understand like, I mean, what's what's what is your decision making process? As you know, when you see that? I mean, you're you're you've got the pick of the litter, you can choose any one of 10,000 lead generation strategies, marketing strategies, sales tax, how do you decide this is the one for me?
Elizabeth Purvis:Yeah, that's a really great question. You know, so one of my favorite questions in the world, like the question that I just, you know, is that is the creation question is, what's the outcome you want to create? And anytime I'm in a spin or stew, or I'm trying to figure out anything at all, and if you listen to me coach on calls, and people are in spinning, I will just immediately go to what's the outcome that we want to create? What's the outcome I want to create? And in a way, that's the most important question. Because if we, and you just, you just model that beautifully talking about possibility and opportunity, if you're clear on what you want to create, if you're clear on, here's where I'm going, here's my outcome, then a lot of the details can be left by the wayside. And you're not you don't necessarily get caught in the weeds. And then usually, the the decision becomes really clear, like the actual how becomes really clear as well. So the decision making process is like, well, what is it I really want? What's the outcome I want to create here, when I decided I wanted to get off the launch train in the marketing train, and as much as I love sales, the sales call train, and I do love sale, like, you know, like, I'm a coach and great sales is like coaching and not disguise, right? You know, but I was like, Okay, I need to do something different. It was I honestly didn't know exactly how it was going to unfold or whatever. All I could do was say, Here's out of all the possibilities, right? Because if you want to create something significant, and this wasn't something for me to really deal with over the past couple of years, because you know, you've seen me through a lot of pivots. You see me through a lot of like, doing one thing and receiving one thing from it, and then creating the next thing. And in this current iteration, one of the things I got I got myself on was okay, well, what is the outcome I want to create, like really go deep on? And I had to spend some time with that question. Right? Like, it's time, Elizabeth to build something significant to create opportunities in a way that like, I can leverage the energy I've used in the past, in a way that's really authentic for me. So I went and really thought about that question. Well, what what is it that what's the vision that I have? What's the opportunity I want to create for other leaders? What makes the most sense, but it all gets back to well, what's the outcome? What's the decision? And then once I had that, I was like, I know I want to I want to build this back up to a million dollar business, but I don't want to do it in the same way. And as soon as I made that, that decision there that the opportunities in the house showed up immediate and in a way that was like jaw on the ground. Like, I knew it had something to do with offers. So I work with people a lot on their offers and their messaging, and how it interfaces, which is just like a hair's breadth away from sales. Like I really learned this from you how to tee up the sale properly and have the whole you know, buyers journey and everything. And I was like, I know it has to do with offers. And I know that I know a lot about offers already but I don't know what I don't know how to take myself to the next level. Okay, universe, show me the guy who knows more about offers than me. Show me the guy Who can help me 321. Here he comes. And I find like, that's really what, like, you know, it was my decision making processes the same thing when I, when you and I initially got together to do sales, I was like, I need a sales solution I need require if I'm going to keep doing this, what is called for is my decision is I'm not going to manage the sales team, because that's not my genius. You know, or is not the highest best use of your time as you the way you put it to me and the first conversation that we had, I was like, Yes, you got it. And I said, okay, and I made that decision. And then it all gets back to well, what were the what, what's the outcome I want to create, I want to be the one leading and facilitating, you know, right? That's really where it comes from with desire.
Jim Padilla:You just said that phrase, I want to, I don't want that to get away, because we talked about this a lot here. And it's not about what you can do. What's right, it's about what outcome you want to create. Because what you can do means it's limited to your physical capabilities. what outcome you want to create has nothing to do with you as everything to do with what you can attract and move into how many people you can put in place, what systems you can put in place, who has to turn the screws who has to hit the hammer, all that stuff. And the people who are winning at this game, are the ones who are focusing on delivering an outcome and then figuring out who or what will make it happen.
Elizabeth Purvis:100% that was kind of where I was leading. I tell our clients all the time, magicians focus on outcome, they are laser focused on what's the outcome. Because if we were focused on the outcome versus the how, and I know, you know, we say this, you hear this a lot in personal development, like let go to have a biller. But why this is so important. And you just, you know, touched on this is because if we focus on the outcome, then we have a zillion possibilities and opportunities on the table. When we're like, it's got to happen this way. Or we're focused on what we can do. Like if I was like, Well, I'm the one who's gonna do all the sales, then all of the possibilities, all of the opportunities, all of the juju gets collapsed into one path. And that's when we start to feel lack. That's when we start to feel constricted. That's when we start to feel or whatever, right? And so it's just so I mean, that's really what out focusing on the outcome, it opens up the playing field. It's like, oh, because I already had options,
Jim Padilla:it gives you options, and let you say, okay, it can happen this way. Or it can happen that way. It can happen in this timeframe, or that timeframe, it can happen in this unit or that now, either way, you're still have to make decisions, but but again, you take the pressure off yourself from worrying about making the wrong ones. Because when you're when you're creating opportunities, you literally get to make new decisions every day. Take a decision today, that sucked. And then tomorrow, I can make a different decision.
Elizabeth Purvis:And we have a goal of helping:Jim Padilla:Well, you know, it's funny because we there's a lot of criticism. I think there's for all the things that go on. I think there's a lot of people who are afraid, because they're not getting the success they want and then they watch everybody else and find ways to criticize them. And I think that's first of all, that's the exact way to miss out on opportunity. 100% Don't spend your time trying to find what everybody's doing wrong. Just find ways to do what you need to do to serve the people that you serve. But, you know, I got a colleague who is there, they're teaching organic marketing strategies, but they ran a Facebook ad In the Facebook ad says, master the art of traffic without paid traffic. And people are like, Oh yeah, while you're running a Facebook ad, it's like, dude, exactly this. And there's there's something to pursue, like get to the place where it doesn't make sense before you poopoo on it, don't just go, Oh, that looks stupid and smells from a distance. It's like, you know, nothing, because you're over here struggling trying to figure it out. Because if you weren't, if you were actually winning at what you're doing, you wouldn't have time to criticize somebody else's ad, you'd be busy building your own business. Totally.
Elizabeth Purvis:And the thing is, is like we can't get it's very easy to get rigid, it'd be very easy for me to be like, and I really I'm probably I'm bringing this up is to illustrate the point that we're talking about about possibilities and opportunities and looking beyond what you think it's supposed to look like, which is the sister of, you know, focusing on the outcome, letting go of what or what you think you have to look like. And it's like, if I and I really struggled with this, because I can because I haven't done a live event in, I hadn't done one in over a decade. And when I first got started, that was the only way to scale. And I'm like, Oh, my goodness, I don't want to build that kind of train. Right. But I'm in a different place now. And if I want to serve the people that we serve, to give them tools, then I've got to be open to a little like, busting my own buttons a little bit or thinking outside of the box, or saying, Yeah, you know what, we're just going to turn on the ads and do it even though we don't teach people how to use ads. Why? Because I want more possibilities on the table, I want more opportunities on the table, I want to serve more clients so they can create more opportunities. And that's what you know, is the is the is the name of the game. And I think you're speaking to and that, again, is one of the things I love about you, because you don't you don't have any limit, like, you know, we're not limited by that. It's got to be done this way. Think though.
Jim Padilla:Yeah, I think you I always, you know, we have a Elizabeth and I have a special relationship. I mean, we've we've spent a lot of time over the last several years, just talking about a lot of this stuff. And weaving in and out, we used to have a lot of Voxer conversation and dialogue back and forth and stuff. We don't typically attract newbies, we don't work with a lot of beginners. Ideally, we don't serve them. It's just, I don't even know how to teach ABC 123 anymore. So far out of my vernacular, I just overwhelm people, so I have to work with that know what they're doing. Yeah, and who have achieved a certain level of success. So most of the people we attract are people who are exponential thinkers. Right? If you're looking to make an extra sale or two, I got stuff for you. But you're the wrong crowd for me. Yeah, people hear that or is it can still lock you up with fear. If you're not sure. If you're listening to the media, if you're seeing what's going on interest rates are going if you've bought eggs recently, any of that kind of stuff, it makes you go wow, I gotta start contracting, I gotta protect, I got to circle the wagons, etc. And what you know, what, what is your advice to share with people right now? Like how what's what should they do in lieu of that, and the best approach to take in the marketplace right now, even if it means fabricating something new.
Elizabeth Purvis:You know, it's so funny, I was just thinking about this, because the, you know, you and I hang out with a lot of really expansive people. And yet really expansive, people are human too. And we have our little like, we have our little mind things that happen. I'm part of this Facebook group with like, multi multimillion dollar business owners and the leader of the Facebook group who is scaled many, many businesses, he's like, Alright, what's up for everybody? And everyone's like, cash flow, you know? And you can hear the undercurrent. So first of all, I mentioned that because if you are, you know, worried about contracting, or you're feeling contracted, or you're feeling the pinch, and all the psychological things are going on, you're not alone, like, good company, right? And what the way out of that, that I always that the only way out, not the only way out, but you know what I'm saying? Like, the clear path out of that is to put your focus on serving others. And to create and for creating value, and to to find and create that value match. Right? How can you even if it's like, on a very small scale, so I was about to write in, like I was about to write an email for our community, you know, who they were out there getting clients and filling their programs and stuff. And it was gonna be like, you know, the reasons people are people still buy, they're buying all day long. You know, this better than anyone like Jim, like people buy, like, that's just what they do. But it's our, if we want to align with the expansion that's already happening, we get to look at where it's happening, and choose accordingly. So people are still you know, per like our for our clients, people are still buying plenty of transformation, but they might need to change their messaging a little bit. The symptoms might be different, the way they talk about it might be a little bit different. So if we're always looking for how can I and how to Like, how, because the abundance is always there. Abundance just is. Right? There's, that's like the first law of life is more life, more life more expansion. So if we're coming from this place of this already exists, it's already here, then we can train our brain to go, Alright, how can I add value? How can I tap into what's already there, and it might look a little bit different than it looks before. And then also just get into action. There's really, if you're, if you are thinking, how can I add value? How can I create more surplus for everyone around me, however, that looks, right? And then you actually take action on that? It's really hard, like, you'll, you're gonna get that back, you're gonna get that you the, the, the field, right? The universe can't do anything, but give that back to you when you do that. Right. So to answer but yes,
Jim Padilla:Yeah, no, it's, you know, be an action, just do something. And you'll be found, you know, is, you'll find out that you're doing the wrong thing, or everything's about feedback, right? Right Thing or you're doing the wrong thing based on what the response on the action you took, and just take action and measure the feedback, take action, measure the feedback, and then you'll go, Oh, that was good. Maybe I should turn left this time and set it right. But you can't do that, while you're sitting around worried about what's going to happen if you turn left or right.
Elizabeth Purvis:No, and you can't vote, you have to again, you have to focus on the outcome. If you want to make someone sitting here, you know who's still in a job, if you want to make a million if you just decided Unicode, sort of a wild hair up your bum bum and you're like, Alright, I'm gonna make a million in the next two years. Guess what? The way to do that is everywhere. Yes, there are so many people who figure that out. There's you could just like, listen to really smart YouTubers to get the initial how and go start moving. You know, like the worldly.
Jim Padilla:You got to open your mind. I think everybody here thinks we all have the creativity inside. We just get locked up. If you're locked up with fear and worried about what's happening, worried about what the Dow is doing, as it drops, worried about what gas prices are doing as it increases? Worried about what the hell Washington's doing? Because none of us know. That's right, right. So then if that's what it's that's what's occupying your brain space, then opportunities will not flourish. But if you're tuning that out and saying, guess what, I'm the solution. I'm the solution. I got the cure for what ails you. Now I gotta figure out what ails you. And then, you know, I just, that's what I do. I just sit and I go, wow, there's a solution. I'm driving down the street the other day, and I see a pickup truck full of wood. And like, somebody was asking me these interviews all the time, right? And like, well, what would you do if you had to start over today? I might just go up to the foothills up here. Get a truck, cut down 10 tree or pick, you know, cut up 10 trees and get a bunch of cords of wood and go sell wood to people who need fireplace, right? Or are how I saw a be a butcher McCall, the street washer a power cleaner, right? Don't get a power washer, 500 bucks, whatever and pre sell it. You don't even have to have the money to get it go find five people who want their driveways, power washed, prepaid go buy or rent one, and then go what power wash their deals, and then just go around the street and find all of a sudden even buy another unit and have somebody else doing it pretty soon you have operators in place, right? It's everything is that simple.
Elizabeth Purvis:Now, I started my business in:Jim Padilla:You guys just got to be opportune. I know I've say this all the time. And if you listen, this podcast, you hear the word opportunity all the time, because it's, but it's part it's just part of my DNA and my language. If you seek it, and you just allow, if you believe that that's true, that is exactly what will happen for you. Right, and you don't have to be a goddess to make that happen. Now, right? You just gotta be regular Joe, or Jane or whoever, you just have to believe it, you just have to be aware that it's there. And then you have to be able to just have the confidence to say, How can I solve this? And how can I serve you, and then just do it, people want their problem solved, and they want to pay for it to be solved.
Elizabeth Purvis:You know, this leads right into a little thought experiment that I've been, maybe is not the right word, but it's something I've really been sitting with lately. Right? Because we all enemy really clear. I mean, I hit against my stuff all the time. I bump up against my like, Oh, could I really do this a bit a bit? It kind of things, especially when we're in massive expansion, like that's, it's natural. It's how we're wired. Right? Right. And somewhere along the line, someone was like, you know, what? Doubt, no upside. Zero, upside to fear and doubt. And I was like, whoa, wait, I gotta, like, just take that in for a minute. And I had a conversation with my husband about it. And if you think about, but I gotta say, like, after really rolling it through, I would have to agree. Like, there's a tiny little bit of like, okay, woolly mammoth out the door. Nervous System motivates you to do something, right. Other than that, which is really not what any of us are dealing with most of them.
Jim Padilla:Right?
Elizabeth Purvis:Like, there's no, there's no upside. There's no upside to doubting yourself. There's no upside to engaging with fear. Obviously, you're not like, I'm going to step it down and pretend it doesn't exist. Of course, you're like, Get in the car, we're in the car together, here we go. But there's no upside to giving your energy to that, aside from just kind of feeling the feels and letting them go. And I'm just curious what you're what this sparks for you, you know, because I,
Jim Padilla:Well, you're speaking right to the core of what who we are because as you know, Cindy, and I, I mean, our, our core values in our life, as well as in our business are consistent, and we live them out. And we don't just they're not on a piece of paper, we literally live them and talk about them daily. And one of our core values are results, partnership, optimism, flexibility, in part and in ownership, and optimism and flexibility go hand in hand. But here's here's how I define optimism is the ability to see the opportunity in every single thing. Meaning, the worst thing can hit you in the face. And the only thing you can experience is gratitude. Right? Like if the dog shits on your rug, the first thing you should be thinking is Tam. I've been wanting a new rug. Right? Not Oh had Fido right. It should be new rug. Yeah. Right. And so but it's not a thing. It's not a fake it to make it. It's just an honest, true belief system. Yeah. That everything is and this is, you know, I remember having this conversation with Sandra Yancey years ago. And she was like, well, things don't happen to you. They happen for you. And I said, No, I think things just happen. And then it's up to you what that what happens, what what you do with it? Because if you the way you're already controlling the frame, I don't have there is no, there's things happen. And then I move through life through these things that happen. Right, and orderly. So you know, here's an example I was on with a client yesterday. And they're literally having to shift because they have a premium offer. And there's a lot of clients who need what they have. And they've got a pipeline of people who've been like, Yeah, we're gonna work with you later. And then now they're like, we can't work with you right now. Because budgets are tight, things are weird. So now they're freaking out, like, Okay, you missing the other half of the equation. Because there's half of people who are saying, I can no longer work with you. But there's another half of people who were going to work with you next year who need to work with you now. Right? So it's like your job is to find the people who had a future problem that isn't our problem. Because of what the economy is done. Just find them. There's just as many of them as the people who no longer want to solve the problem. It's just up to you to get to know what you're looking for. I'm not going to find the people if all I'm looking for if I if I'm focused on the people who don't want it, I'm not gonna find the people who want it.
Elizabeth Purvis:How simple is that? Yeah, yeah. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, you and I could have a for beer conversation just about that right there.
Jim Padilla:It's crazy. So on that let's let's talk a little bit more about your, you know, the offer strategy and structure the things you're launching right now, what do you what is it that you, you know, through the lens of this, I mean, we're talking about opportunity creation, and that's what generates the need for offers right opportunity. So without them people don't need buy anything. So how are you bringing that forth? In your world right now?
Elizabeth Purvis:Yeah, so we, we believe, like I so I believe that we're undergoing a huge shift in consciousness, a huge elevation in consciousness. And I know you and I agree with this, and it looks different to different people. But we're being asked to go to a higher level of awareness. And everything you've been talking about, is about perception, and awareness, and the power that we have, when we have full capacity over our perception and awareness. Because the frame and how we see things is what creates our experience. And I I believe at the bottom, the end of the day, like that's the essence of magic. And magic is about reality creation and opportunity creation and how to, like actually create in the world. And that's what to lights me up the most. And I believe, you know, again, that we're, we're being asked to go to this new level of awareness and consciousness. So that we can evolve as a species, basically, like at the end of the day. And I know, that's really big, and like, you know, all the things that's like, way outside of the scope of one person sitting here. But when I when I pull back and kind of look at, especially with the time that I've been in the industry, like it's, that's been our conversation, and it's happening. And it's fascinating to watch all the different things that have unfolded and a lot of the, you know, the struggles that we've been in, in the past three years to my lensing is part of this clearing way to elevate consciousness. So for everyone, I believe it's got a role in that, right? If they want it, if they want to say yes to the assignment, right. And I have a feeling that you probably will not be listening to this podcast on opportunity right now, if you weren't down to say yes to the assignment. And so what we do with our we love, you know, we've chosen to work with transformational leaders, we have chosen to work with conscious elevators who do transformational work with folks to clear out inner stuff so that they have more capacity to do all the things. And our program is around helping them price and package and create their offers and messaging. So that it's easy for clients to see it. And it's easy for them to say yes. And that's really what at the end of the day, what we're what we're up to, you know, and then on their side, like they get to have a business that's streamlined once they get it all working, because it's not magic. It's not fairy dust, like you got to put in the work to build the system, just like anything else, you know. But then they get to have their magic what they're doing out in the world doing its job. Now, so hopefully that makes sense.
Jim Padilla:So you know, it's interesting, because we were obviously in the offer creation world too, as a sales organization. And we just did a workshop, a webinar yesterday on collaborating with Gchat GPT to create offers. And so we've created some a prompt formula, right? But the conversation yesterday was about having a front row seat to a huge transition in the world, like we are in the middle of this and to me, the chat GPT inserting itself in the middle of what could become a recession or whatever else was a life transforming opportunity. And you can run for the hills, and hope it bypasses you or you can sit down, pull up the lawn chair, get your binoculars, see which look and so you said something earlier about being able to see it, then you can do something about it. And you can't help but see nothing but opportunities everywhere. This is where people make up ground. This is where you gain market share. This is this is equalizing force. You know, I'm masterminds with Kevin Harrington and Les Brown. And this is the time where you leapfrog over people. Right? I heard somebody talking about this just the other day. I think it was Jeb blunt. But he was saying how this if you're if you're driving a car 70 miles an hour and there's a car 68 miles an hour in front of you. How long is it going to take you? You're an engineer, give me a How long does it take you to catch that first? I don't know several hours is all I know. But if that car is parked on the side of the road, how long they're gonna take you to catch him 30 seconds, boom, gone. Well, that's what's happening in the marketplace. And if you are seeing the opportunities and you zero in and you put a well structured offer together that speaks to somebody's compelling desire to solve a problem, right, you are now putting yourself in a position to zoom by the parked cars, which is all your competitors, because they're afraid they don't want to invest. They don't want to spend money on building a business, they're afraid they're scared, they're doubtful. They're, you know, there's no upside to this style. And this is one of the downsides to it is they're gonna watch a whole lot of people passing by, yeah, then you're gonna they're gonna be at your mercy. So yeah, I lean in and learn to responsibly build an offer that attracts the right people. And I'm gonna ask you to share what you shared or your version of it from the engineering brain instead of the goddess brain, because yeah,
Elizabeth Purvis:So an offer. And I am an engineer, by the way, I have a Master's in Computer Science of all things. And I was I was a systems engineer for 10 years before I quit to be in this space. And your offer is the channel by which your value that you create meets the people that you need it. At the end of the day, and all of it in my humble opinion, after doing this for 15 years is Psychology. Right? So if we know it's about an my mentor, who's a man named Travis Sago, he was like when we first met, he was like, You're a matchmaker, too. And I was like, What are you talking about? matchmaking? He was in the relationship space used to do relationships and writing products. But that's what offers are, you're over here with your thing, you have created a thing that can help people you have you have something you have, whatever it looks like, it's a product or a service or whatever. In order for it to reach the people that you need to have to receive it in order to meet your goals. And for it to be out in the world doing its work, whatever that looks like. We need to be able to package it up and position it so that your brain and their brain can come together and go yes, we're doing this. And that, to me is like, oh, right, because it's a channel. It's a channel. It's a way to create flow. And it's a way to create more opportunities. And it's a way to move, you know, your stuff into somebody else's hands.
Jim Padilla:Amen. Amen. I think, at the end of the day, I mean, it's, it's easy. To complicate things. It's so easy to complicate things. I have a master's degree in complication.
Elizabeth Purvis:Yes, I do, too. And we compensation I mean, again, you get out of a hole for our conversation about that. And I'm, I believe me, I've got the overactive overthinking brain too.
Jim Padilla:So if you bottom line this, for how can we how do people need to be thinking about their offers in light of creating opportunities, and you're talking to just dumb it down to third grader like, well, you have one, right?
Elizabeth Purvis:I do about one, senior, your offer, in a nutshell, in a sentence is the right solution to the right person at the right time. period, full stop. So because your peak because we were talking about this like and again, this is part of the sales process, blah, blah, blah, people will be at different places in their need, you know, or their desire, there'll be at different places. But if you have the offer, if you have the solution to the problem at the right time. People will say yes, generally, there's other stuff that has to go in there, but not a lot. Like at the end of the day, your offer is the right solution to the right person at the right time. So to create one if you want to want a little crash course in creating offers and packaging yourself. It always starts with your who is your person? Who's your person who's your who, who's your who, and then...
Jim Padilla:An Elizabethism.
Elizabeth Purvis:reach one person, I can reach:Jim Padilla:that's a lot and, and, you know, to take that out to the next level, it's like to me that, you know, we're defining opportunity makers is the person who continues to make who carries it on to his completion. So you are an opportunity maker when you've created the opportunity for somebody else who in turn creates an opportunity for somebody else, that then completes a cycle and rolls because he needs to be independent of you. Right? So you're helping people become self sufficient in whatever the thing is that you do.
Elizabeth Purvis:Naturally, right. Yeah. And the more that you spend time and this is something I learned years ago, from Eben Pagan, he said something like, you want to study your person even more than you study success. Why? Because with offers, which is your vehicle, your solution to the right person at the right time. Yes, and you'll you'll discover that if you spend a lot of time asking your people asking yourself what am I people need? What are they struggling with? What is their day to day life look like? How can I help them How can what I've got serve them? You will not you just won't you will not run out of opportunity.
Jim Padilla:Amen. Yeah. Amen. So I know we've got some links and some ways for you guys go to the show notes. There's some new ways to be able to contact Elizabeth and I Please recommend that you do just get you know, find a way to get into her world and you'll appreciate her the same way I do, and but there's also an invitation and offer there. So what are they going to get when they go?
Elizabeth Purvis:Yeah. So when you come to our website, we've got a couple of different things. So my website is seven figure And we've got a couple different ways to connect with us. One of the invitations, if you if this serves you is our seven figure offer workshop, which is where we walk you through the basics of creating a very optimized, easy to say, as to offer so you can start putting more people in your programs, that's one. And then I also wrote a book called seven figure goddess making leap from six figures to seven in two years or less. And that we haven't even touched on that. But it's, it's super juicy, because it's all the energetics and all of the, really the WHO YOU be and how you show up to create more opportunities, which then allows you to collapse time in your business. So yeah, both of things are on the website, and you can, you know, good in our world that way.
Jim Padilla:Definitely. And they're all in the show notes. So if you're on the treadmill, or driving in traffic, don't fret, just go to the show notes, click on it, all the all the information will be there. And the only thing that I encourage you, if you've been around for any length of time, check it out. Right? It will cost you nothing to find out it could cost you EVERYTHING not to so just go check it out. Is there a match? Does it fit? Does it make sense, get on a phone with somebody or, or just explore them. And you know, read the book, read the book, you'll see you'll learn a lot about people with books. And this as its total sidenote, just prompt you out of my head here. If you have a book, get it in front of people, we as a company that runs 25,000 sales conversations a year, we got data for all for everything. conversions are double, from people who read books, not buy books, buying books means nothing I got like all got shelves full of books. People who read your book resonate with you and way a webinar can never deliver. And because they have bought if they read the book, they are bought into your message bought into who you are they know you in a way that nobody else does. Those people become buyers. So get your books in front of people and then have a well crafted mechanism that leads them towards you so that offers can happen after they raise their hand.
Elizabeth Purvis:Yeah, and I just you know what that sparks for me, I just want to share because you know, I really want to lift people up. It's not that hard. None of what we're talking about, is is difficult or challenging, necessarily. And I don't say that from a place of trying to diminish anybody's experience or anything. Because we all have the feels I get the feels every day things feel hard. This is a big part of what the book is about. Right? But what creates hard is our feeling about it, not the actual what's actually happening in reality. And if we're listening, and if we're in the inquiry of how can I create more opportunity? And if we're in the inquiry of how can I create more value? And how can I get how can I get my thing into the hands of people that need it? If you really just ask that question and follow where it leads. You're gonna get there, you're gonna do it, you know, and I just wanted to really offer that to peeps. right person, right solution right time.
Jim Padilla:Amen. Amen. And I'm all in alignment with that. I mean, we are our motto around here is have the right conversations with the right people at the right time about the right things. And same concept,
Elizabeth Purvis:Right, basically the same deal because you're, you're putting offers in front of people 25,000 times a year. Yeah.